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Everything posted by Ectholian

  1. Our tool has mixed mode, and it should work but personally I've never tested it.
  2. You could also download our BC2CC (www.bc2cc.com) in which you can enter console commands. If you'll enter help you'll get a list of all available commands. I don't know if the other admintools around like procon facilitate that, but they might.
  3. Nice to see you here around Mikael :) In our BC2CC tool we didn't put in the weapon limit feature in request of DICE.
  4. As I said, removing and installing punkbuster fixes the F35A problem ;)
  5. Ingame rcon commands? Isn't it jus tlike in cod4 with /rcon login password /rcon login pb_sv_plist ?
  6. Save your config files on a save playce, delete the contents of your pb directory and run pbsetup It will install punkbuster again with the good files. After that, place your saved config files back and do a pb_sv_restart. Should do the job (it did for me, i was using cod4 pb files in cod5.... this fixed the problem for the F35A).
  7. Does that work only ingame or should it also work on the server console?
  8. Fix it buggers
  9. It is a little hard to find some things, such as my servers. I would love to have a link to directly view my servers instead of browsing through all the profile stuff. A good addition to the Live Hub would be to fast search up a user in the MBI, now I have to copy/paste the GUID. But the functionallity of the site is very good so I don't have much comments, just those 2 cents ;)
  10. Private bans are not automatically streamed to the PBBans banlist. If the cheat isn't detected through the hub, it won't be added and you should manually submit the screenshot and other parameters.
  11. cl_timeNudge Default value: 0 Acceptable values: Number Some people recommend setting this to -50 which reduces some lag but other game clients may not be always drawn in the correct position. Setting this to a higher value, say 200, pretty much simulates having a ping of 200.
  12. Okay, i'll need to read some more faqs then and first setup streaming :)
  13. Is it possible to download the cvar/md5 check scan in order to try it, without streaming to pbbans? I want to try some things out before i stream to pbbans or something. I don't want to make a mess :)
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