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*TNA* Exterminator

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Everything posted by *TNA* Exterminator

  1. He did apply. It got denied because of the server being a home server. Once you get a server that is hosted in a dedicated data center then you can go ahead and re apple for streaming.
  2. Nice to see them actually trying to fix the game. But I do not have my hopes up that they will accomplish anything. EA and Dice's track record with patches for Battlefield is they fix a bunch of game glitches and holes but they only open up new ones for the cheat coders to exploit.
  3. Your server was banned because you were running a Cracked COD4 server. Get a legiminate COD4 server and you can stream again.
  4. Are you sure you did this. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php I can't find your application.
  5. The only other thing that I can think of for you to try is to go to your services and make sure that PUnkbusterA and B are both are set to automatic under startup type. Start Control Panel Administrative Tools Services Find PnkBstrA and PnkBstrB and make sure they both are set to automatic.
  6. Your server is streaming. Server is streaming to PBBans Server Info Server IP Game Call of Duty World at War Tag XTS Data Last Received 13 mins ago
  7. Nope you set it up perfectly. Your forum user should update to SGA status in a little while.
  8. Yup. Your COD5:WAW server is streaming. http://www.pbbans.com/msi-server-66-55-137-114-28960.html
  9. Server IP and Port. Also what game.
  10. Yup nothing that you can do personally about it. Its up to Activision to fix their master servers. You would think after all of the expierience they have with running master servers they would have gotten all of the kinks out.
  11. Yea Alt tabbing can cause a number of Gfx errors in COD4. All of the shots you have posted are clean.
  12. Have you tried the automated hub setup? If not please try that. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  13. Have you applied for a team account yet? http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php
  14. Confirmation for what? Activation email for your forum account? Or something related to your Team account or application?
  15. http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=dl-waw.php
  16. On the forums the link like that with the ...'s will work. For some reason the Mass mail system screws up the link.
  17. Like Rodeobob said before. If you need assitance you can always hop onto IRC. Link is in my sig.
  18. What game is this for? Also whats your server IP and port? I can help you get your server streaming again if you need :)
  19. No Problem. Let us know if you need anything else.
  20. You need to contact SCE_Trashman and get them to add you to the team account. Then you will be able to administer the servers.
  21. Servers Port or game port. You could always get into IRC http://www.pbbans.com/irc/index.php
  22. Your on a dynamic IP thats why you have 125 linked GUID's and 136 IP's to your name. You aren't on the MBI so you shouldn't be getting removed from servers. Any SGA should be able to tell that you are on a dynamic ip and that those other GUIDS are linked to you because of that. You shouldn't be banned from servers because of that. You don't have any PB violations against you or any bans against you. You have a clean record and should not be getting banned. I would request to be unbanned from the servers you have been banned on. Tell them you are linked to those GUID's through dynamic IP's. If they don't belive you they can come look for themselves. And if need be someone here will explain to them how the MPI works.
  23. What is your GUID so I can look into this for you. You can get that by going into a pb enabled server and typing pb_myguid in the console.
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