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Everything posted by Airborne328
Simply put, yes you can just copy and paste into your existing pbsv.cfg Or you can just as easily create the pbsvuser.cfg using notepad, save and upload then restart server. If you need a FULL pbsvuser, let me know and ill send you one specific to your gaming server. Airborne
To all those that have supported me and the AA Repo Depot, I sincerely thank you. I unfortunately have had to make the decision to shut down the Repo Depot due to health "cancer" issues once again. I wish to use the time I have more wisely and spend it with my online gaming clan friends and RL family. Again I thank you all for your support over the years. Dean Schultz aka [CLS]_Airborn328
The Army Ops Log Parser is ready for use. Simply upload your saved armyops log file and choose either All Console or Just Messages, it's that simple. If you have any issues, please let our admins know in our support forums. http://www.aaorepodepot.us Air B)
Okay fellow clan leaders, server admins and geberal pubbers. I can no longer wait and I am putting the this out. The AA Repo Depot v3 is now LIVE.!! Excuse the mess for the next few days, as I continue to cross my T's and dot my i's. Remember to get the full benefit and use of all the Repo Depot's features, all you have to do is stream via the HUB here @ PBBans. Please feel free to post comments, suggestions both good and bad here or @ our support forums Air
Just alittle update... The new version is coming along, seems the more that is done, the more you find to do. Finishing up now on the last project, checking to ensure our T's are crossed and i'd dotted. Once this is done within the next say 5-6 days, we will be opening it up for the gaming clan/admin. The new system already surpasses the speed of the existing site. Some of the old features have stayed with some upgrades and tweaking. While some of changed completely. I would like to comment on one of those now just alittle. To better server the AA community, only those server admins/clans who stream to the Repo Depot will have access to their AA server viewer, via the Repo Depot. The system will be automated to grab the logs received here from PBBans, and create an up to date streaming server list. From this page one can click on their or anothers streaming server, to view "live" play. The bells and whistles that will eventually make up this server viewer will be unique to the Repo Depot Admin only.! As well the Home page will have a "Who's Online Playing" based off the streamed logs, plus much. much more.... I have already said to much....... :blink: I want to and will get this out to you ASAP. In the meantime please make sure you are streaming to the AA Repo Depot, so that you may enjoy all of the beneifts that come with being a Repo Depot Admin upon release. If your not streaming, then please consider streaming via the HUB and doing so by activating it via your server management here @ PBBans. [CLS]_Airborne328
Upcoming Website Update New Website Release Soon, we will be releasing a new version of the website. Logging System The new version will contain a new logging system. This system will log the IP addresses and host of each user. This will help the admins to declare who is "sharing" accounts, as this is forbidden. Any user's caught "account sharing" will receive a warning email. This warning email will advise the account owner that someone else is using their account. If the "account sharing" continues, the account will be removed. Membership application Until the new site is released, the Membership Application will be disabled. In the new membership application system, the server will run a background check on the applicant. If the background check is clean, the account will be activated, if the server cannot find any history for the player, the application will be queued for admin review. Clan System When the new site is released, all clans will be removed, and will need to be created or joined via the user control panel. The user can also opt not to register their clan. What are the bennfits of registering a clan? Registered clans and their members will have access to "Clan Only Tools". These tools are built speficaly to scan registered clan servers. Also, registered clans, that do not have any banned, or linked banned accounts will have the option of placing a "Repo Depot Certified" logo on their site. This logo acknowledges the fact that the particular clan is "Cheat Free!" New BG Check Search Engine The new search engine will be designed for speed, making searches faster. In addition, more search options will be added, to filter out the unwanted results. New Server Watch The Server watch will be updated to load faster. It will also contain new features (Sorry, no sneak peak here :P ). New PBSS Viewer Not much to say about this one, You'll have to see for yourself, so stick around! We expect all of these changes, and the new version to be completed before the end of the month. So in the meantime, please make sure that your email address is valid. Thanks, AAO Repo Depot Dev Team
I to would like to take the time on behalf of Combat Life Savers to Thank all of our Allies * Friends of America's Army and now our newly added COD family. We wish you the most joyous, comforting Christmas and best New Year yet to come. 2009 is going to be the year for all of us, one to remember. We have lost and gained many a friend, for each and everyone of them, I salute you one and all... We toast to all of you and your own, along with my brother in Heaven I and Combat Life Savers wish you a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year -2009- ___ Hey put that down ..
Great work as usual "Always Quality over Quantity" :)
Good Morning PBBans staff, members and visitors. I just wish to thank all of you for your support over the past year for the AA Repo Depot. Today we have reached our 2 million entry mark, I could not have done this without you. I also wish to apologize for being so absent from here as of late. I have been unfortunately as some of you may know, been battling the return of my cancer "NHL". So my summer's schedule has been quite full. Well I have some good news there, the cancer once again is approx 95% completely resolved. I am now leaving as of tonight for UMMC in Baltimore to have a stemcell transplant. This transplant will ensure that this "bleeping :blink: " cancer never returns. No pity parties needed, unless you like parties :lol: . I just wanted you all "the ones who support and help grow the Repo Depot" to know and be updated as best as possible. I will be gone for another month for this, and plan on being back home by the end of September. I will have a few months of recoup time where I will be limited to staying inside home. However that is a good thing and will allow me to be with online friends and game all day and night........ :o "shhhh dont tell the wife that" :unsure: Thanks again for your support and keep the servers streaming... ;) [CLS]_Airborne328 aka Dean
:) That time again for another BIG Thank ;) You to those that have been and continue to support the AA Repo Depot. We are just about to reach our half way point to our goal of 100 streaming servers via PBBans HUB. The AA Repo Depot Toolbar is now available for use and is constantly being updated with new features and suggestions by the public. That toolbar download is available @.......... http://aaorepodepot.ourtoolbar.com/ :jam:
to the Dark Side..
Just wanted to take the time and thank those who support any tool that helps the server admin keep their clans and servers cheat/hack free. We currently have from kick off, 40 PBBans HUB streamers :o . If you wish to be part of this revolution and do what you can to help the fight and stream here to PBBans, then please take a few moments and check the AA Repo Depot option box, as one of your recipients for streaming via your account management cpanel. If your a repo admin already, then you can view the streaming page to check your streaming status @ the Repo Depot . If not yet registered, it only takes a minute to apply. A Sincere thank's again to the AA community and server admins for their support and friendships .
Thanks to PBBans and all members here for allowing the AA Repo Depot to become part of this great family and community. I hope that this new friendship grows leaps and bounds. Again much thanks for the acceptance and to those who voluntarily choose to stream/forward their logs to the Repo Depot. [CLS]_Airborne328
:) As of today, the Repo Depot will be offering through it's member panel the option for the Repo Depot admin to download in .dat format a current combined AC master banlist. PBBans,AASA,AON and ACI are the 4 top AC's that are included in this combined master banlist. This combined .dat list will contain no duplicates and is updated once daily. If your not a member, simply apply for approval and access. Enjoy.! http://aaorepodepot.us
Morning Harold, ;) What is your server IP and Host.? The most basic way of turning on your servers screenshots is through using pb_commands. You can find those and much more on the use of pb_commands HERE To do this, first ask yourself what file are you using to load your server scripts. Most use a pbsvuser.cfg for this purpose. Now the simpliest way would be for you to just simply enter the basic commands that conrol on and off, etc. Below is a simple setup that we currently on our servers to produce and maintain our screenshots Once these settings have been copied and pasted into your servers pbsvuser.cfg, simply restart your server and you should be good to go. As far as publicy viewing them, that sometimes is host decided, what I mean is some hosts don't allow for public viewing. Although their are not many oif them, they still do exist. So knowing who your host is would help determine the link you and the public ould use to view your screenshots. Hope that help, and continue to ask questions if needed. _________ Alternatively you can view the created PB Screenshot Guide provided by Fozzer that can be found using the link provided below. PB Screenshot Guide _________ [CLS]_Airborne328
On behalf of Combat Life Savers, I would like to release for public use the AA Repo Depot. We do not nor wish to try and compete with the already excellent existing databases. We simply want to add to that arsenal, so that every server and clan admin is afforded the best possible tools, protection and resources there are. With your help and continued support, we can take this latest tool to the front lines in our battle with hacks/cheats. We have opened our ban and background search engine for public use. As well as there are some cool features like the Repo Depot Server Watch, that will require applying. Doing so takes only seconds....... All features can be viewed on home page of the repo. You can find the AAO Repo Depot @ http://aaorepodepot.us Support can be found @ http://aaorepodepot.us/forums.php Enjoy..! ________________________________ Here are some banners you can use for linking on your home site/forum or signature. [url=http://www.aaorepodepot.us][img=http://www.aaorepodepot.us/images/banners/banner6.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.aaorepodepot.us][img=http://www.aaorepodepot.us/images/banners/banner5.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.aaorepodepot.us][img=http://www.aaorepodepot.us/banners/images/banner4.jpg][/url] _______________________ [url=http://www.aaorepodepot.us][img=http://www.aaorepodepot.us/images/banners/userbar1.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.aaorepodepot.us][img=http://www.aaorepodepot.us/images/banners/userbar2.jpg][/url] [url=http://www.aaorepodepot.us][img=http://www.aaorepodepot.us/images/banners/userbar3.gif][/url] _____________________ AA Repo Depot Official Evenbalance Repository I would like to aslo thank PBBans for their consideration in allowing the AA Repo Depot to be part of this community and their streaming HUB. I could only venture to say that this is going to be a great friendship. Until fully discussed and decided on by the Staff of PBBans, I am adding the streaming commands as an optional method until and or approved to be part of the HUB. Again this is optional and for use until a decision has been reached by the Staff here. At which time we will all have the option within your setup here to stream or not to the AA Repo Depot. _____________________ Regards [CLS]_Airborne328 Dean Schultz
Asked and Answered. MBL successfully updated via address. Thank you :woot:
Good Morning all. I have been searching with no luck. I was wondering is their a direct address to PBBans master banlist other then a save file.? I have added PBBans to the search list and home page totals on the AA Repo Depot. I to date have been manually downloaded the mbl and then uploading that .dat to the repo to use an addy to update through the Repo Depot DB. examples of what I am looking is http://emailcart.net/mbl/aon_bans.dat http://appeals.aaserveradmins.com/fullaasaprivbanguid.txt Thanks for any assistance or input and I hope I have asked my question clearly, as the coffee has yet to kickin on my end :blink:
Good Afternoon PBBans Staff and Members
Airborne328 replied to Airborne328's topic in General Discussions
Thanks for the gracious welcome and I will indeed have alook around. I also patiently await your consideraation of my request. I feel we can never have to many resources to offer to our server admins and to the AA community as a whole. We need more of this in our conrinued fight against cheats/hacks. [CLS]_Airborne328 -
Afternoon all, I first hope with my limited access I am posting in the correct area. If not I apologize for my for not reading the guidelines. I would also like to apologize for my ignorance in not frequenting these forums and site. From what I see and hear, it is nothing but professional and community based. I am a the founder of Combat Life Savers, we have had in existance for some time now, a new site for background searches and Ban checks against the top 4 AC's, plus many more features for our members was created by myself and a few select AA community members. I have been building our DB for the Repo Depot soley on donated logs from friends and server admins from all AC's. We show nothing but "name-guid-IP" on our backgrounds and donot get into kicks. This method was useful and appreciated and soley based on the voluntary log donations received to date. Our DB holds approx 1.5 million AA account guid. ________________ So where are we.... :) I have with some headaches :blink: now have in place an official evenbalance punkbuster repository. I wish to be able to give the option to the AA community to stream their logs to the Repo Depot as well. I have for years been only familiar with the olde streaming command method, again another fault of mine. I am presently googling and researching the back and bone of how to's, etc. That is it basically in a nutshell.... I would like the AA Repo Depot to be part of this community and PBBans HUB. Thank you for your time and consideration and input you could offer me. http://aaorepodepot.us [CLS]_Airborne328 Dean Schultz Repo Depot Founder