With my problem now solved, it's a problem that has never happened to me in all my years of playing ET and, on top of that, it seems to be spreading. Just today while playing (for the first time in almost a week) I noticed 3 people in less than 10 minutes being kicked for invalid GUID's infractions. The same problem I had. I have never seen anything like this.
Reaction from Server Admins who were present (whom I trust greatly !!) commented on this situation saying that, yes, this has been an ongoing problem however, no one seems to be able to nail down WHY this is taking place and doing so so often.
What's the cause of this suddenly happening to so many people ? Why Now?
This is becoming quite a deal with many people. They are scratching their heads so, I came to you guys in hopes that you could clear things up in some respect. As much detailed info on this matter that can reasonably be defined would mean a lot to me.
Thanks For Your Time,