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Everything posted by greenbean

  1. Unzipped and uploaded. This might be a security feature, preventing it from showing. We've got a wicked good IT guy, wOOdy, but he's busy these days. Give us a couple more days. Thanks MaydaX.
  2. hmm, didn't work. I may have the php file in the wrong place, maybe. We're working on it and will get back to you. Thanks
  3. <iframe width="400" height="400" style="border:none;" src="http://output79.rssinclude.com/output?type=iframe&id=542896&hash=1322f90abbe338c1ee1bad018b9afccb"></iframe> This is what worked before... thanks MaydaX nice to see you around.
  4. Hey Peeps, We had your PBBans ban feed running for many years on the HackHunters.com home page without issue, but now, with making our website secure, we lost the feed. (we placed the RSS Feed on the Home Page, side bar, is now a blank area) First, I don't know where to find the url for it on your site, perhaps the URL changed, and second adding a 's' after http in the URL we were using doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thanks and as always, the best...
  5. hey AKrantz, thanks again for the app. I see you're not staff here but a streaming Admin. What about at PsB?

  6. glad you like the news... every person streaming to pbbans helps.

  7. Just a little news from our forum, the topic in our Anti Cheat Directory for PBBans has received over 6800 hits since we launched 2 years ago. More than even the EvenBalance thread. In fact I believe it is one of the most popular topics on our entire site. Pretty cool, and obvious this would be the case. PBBans Thread at HH Thanks as always for the support and hope our directory has steered many lost souls into your light.
  8. lol, funny cartoon last night darted a sniper who was shooting into our spwn... was funny watching him try to run away as I was locking on.
  9. Hey Capone1 aka Madman, thanks for applying to HackHunters! cya.

  10. Hey FSuNole, what's happening?

  11. add as friend, cya around Jarhead

  12. Hey Mr. Hack Hunter.

    had to say hello from HackHunters.com :-)

  13. about to launch phase II of HackHunters, you'll hear about it :-)

  14. thanks duality for the confirmation and everyone for your comments which I'll take into account next time. :)
  15. was wondering if anyone thinks there's anything suspicious with the markings on this BF2142 Screen Shot? not knowing the game I could use the help of someone who plays it... thanks. this image is not being used to ban someone... more of a credibility question.
  16. Thanks xX_Renegade_Xx for pointing that out... give me a break on the 'graphic touch'. You might try this one instead: http://www.xfire.com/communities/mw2cod/ Not knowing much about console gaming, do console gamers benefit from us PC gamers? I can imagine we offer great video footage, but do they enjoy the modding and mapping we do, or are they excluded from it? Do they participate in clans, or is there no reason for them to be in a clan? just wondering.
  17. you all are invaluable to so many, thanks for making the effort to restore your servers and your great service. cheers.
  18. Congrats. We consider PBBans to be the cornerstone of the ACO community. The tools, flexibility and open minded attitude have made a positive impact on the quality of gaming the world over. Keep on truckin!
  19. Great news. thanks for the info.
  20. Yes, a 'happy new year is allowed', much better than the alternative... :D We extend our thanks for a great 2008 to PBBans and look forward to another wonderful 2009. Best wishes from the whole gang at HH.
  21. I hope that's not the case, but if it is, I hope everyone is doing everything they can to stop cheating & piracy... attacking the problem from All sides! I still see 'Cracked' servers in Game Browsers (cod4), anyone know why they don't remove cracked servers from their list and help? Is it that they don't have a financial reason to do it, they don't care or, it's not possible?
  22. nice tip, can i quote you on that, or should i say, am i allowed to quote you on that? :blink: :) their motto could be tiny pic w/ a tiny url You might pickup a couple other tips in one of our tutorials like this one on sigs HERE
  23. Not sure if you're interested, but if you type the url first you can make your UserBars link directly to PBBans as an option for those who have space for the extra text. Not sure if this works everywhere. For instance, leaving out the **** type the following: [****url=http://www.pbbans.com][****img]http://www.pbbans.com/images/userbars/ub_mem.png[/img][/url] taking our the **** you'd get this: Now click on the above UserBar and it will link to your home page which opens in a new window. One other idea, it's important to keep the text string as short as possible so people have the room in their signature area to paste the text in for several signatures. I'd recommend moving your image to a directory called 'sig' situated next to the main 'index' and renaming the actual images to very short names like ubs and ubm... short and simple. You text string would then look like this: NEW: [****url=http://www.pbbans.com][****img]http://www.pbbans.com/sig/ubm.png[/img][/url] OLD: [****url=http://www.pbbans.com][****img]http://www.pbbans.com/images/userbars/ub_mem.png[/img][/url] saving about 15 characters from its length and making it more likely that people will incorporate the link.
  24. Your Master Player Index Search tool: http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/index.php is great and, I'm looking for insight into how it works and under what circumstances. Using only the 'Search by Player Alias' in order to find someone's GUID I noticed you don't show the individuals GUID if they haven't been banned. You may tell me that this is to protect the individuals GUID from being abused. I would trust you if this is the case. And, name spoofing is an issue when looking up a GUID (someone might be cheating using another players name). But what if the 'Search by Player Alias' can show that (and not saying that the Search can do what follows, just saying if it could): 1) the 'players' name' was used once and only once (i.e., individual made up a name to cheat and threw out the name when finished), or 2) the 'players' name' is only used by the same IP (can someone spoof a name and the spoofed person's IP?), or 3) there is only one GUID shown for the player (can someone spoof a name and the spoofed person's GUID?). What I'm getting at, if someone is cheating using a name, and there's visual proof, and that name has never been used before and the GUID is available and unique to that player, is there a way to make a connection between the two that would lead to a ban? Whew, glad i got that out! Hope you followed it. Thanks.
  25. greenbean


    I'd like to thank PBBans for adding HackHunters as an alliance in the PBBans AC community. Having a link on your home page is really great and will help us solidify our foundation, giving us the chance to grow. For those who haven't met us yet... we offer: A directory, basic information and portal to other AC services; A place for the ordinary gamer to become involved in the AC community; A place for information useful to both the gamer and clan admin; A place for humor (at least we try :blink: ) which is an attempt to make people think before they make a mistake. I hope everyone has a chance to stop by and say hello. ____________ NEED A LITTLE HELP: We've set up a special forum where we provide information on AC services. We've completed an outline for PBBans posted here: http://www.hackhunters.com/forum/index.php...=32.msg46#msg46. It would be great if at least one PBBans Admin could post something additional to this thread (http://www.hackhunters.com/forum/index.php...=32.msg46#msg46) and mention something like "you can contact me directly (or post in 'this' forum) if you have any questions." Just to let you know, if you do (which means you will have to register) I will be adding a sig to your name which will say 'Trusted Associate' as our seal (sigs are under construction now). _____ Once again, thank you very much and I hope we can help the beginner understand PBBans and get streaming! cya, greenbean.
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