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  1. Piracy is actually a much bigger problem on console.Most of my friends who play online console games never bought a copy of the game.They all mod their xbox firmware/dvd drive to be able to use discs they burn from downloads. Theres a lot more consoles than pc users, so piracy is an even bigger problem for them than pc.So this being anti piracy isnt true. IW never wanted to make a pc version but was forced to by Activision, seems we are paying the price now. Seems to me like IW made MW2 so that pc gamers would have exactly the same features (good and of course bad) as console. They are basically trying to turn us into console gamers. PC and consolers alike should be demanding dedicated servers. Ive played on console and never had a stable lag free game. My friends who play regularly are so used to it they dont compain, its just crazy.
  2. my monitors set at 75hz but can go to 90hz but most games flicker that high or isnt supported
  3. I had the same problem and the fix i used was setting your max rate to 25000 by default its set to 5000 use this code in your server.cfg set sv_maxRate "25000"
  4. I have noticed a growing trend with server admins adding some really ridiculous settings on their pb.You only get a kick for it but, to me it seems theres a lot of petty and poor sports out there. 1st kicking for FPS over 100 now is it such a big deal that someone has a high fps? The game runs a lot better the higher the fps so i unlock it just to see my pc purr away.I know people say "oh but you can jump higher blah blah", but my fps ranges from 150-350 after getting a new video card.So i went from getting 60 fps max to anything upto 350, but i cant jump higher, run faster or shoot faster, thats just a myth.I know people swear by it , saying you can jump 9% higher ect but even if you can you cant jump on anything higher than any other player.So really it boils down to a server admin whos pc isnt very good running low settings with lagg and getting pissed when somebody destroys him. 2nd Kicks for sm_enable 0 Just to enlighten people this setting turns off bullet marks on walls from players shooting walls.So this doesnt give them any advantage at all.But people running their settings as low as possible because of an old computer turn this off to run the game better and gain a few fps.So why set your server to kick for this, is it that important? This is totally crazy 3rd Level 1 kicks for special characters(this one is actually a default pb setting so not done by choice) eg
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