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About 'mSc

  • Birthday 09/30/1992

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    Enemy Territory
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  1. Hey Rodolf, i get on the Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Version 2.60b the same problem. It is because Punkbuster runs some md5 checks i guess, i found a simple solution: First of all join up a server on .6b and type /pb_sv_sleep 500 /pb_security 0 Then wait a while (20-30 seconds) until the lag is gone, then you should be able to play lagfree. This tip should also work with WolfET 2.55 & 2.56. How to update PB's files, too: Use Punkbuster update tool to add manually games and run a client/server update of pb. http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloader/download.php?file=1 Or you can do it in-game also if the tool won't work for you: Just do couple times /pb_sv_update and wait till you just get this response: "PunkBuster Server: Master Query sent to (*******.evenbalance.com) ***.***.***.***." "Punkbuster Server: Received Master Security Information" It should be fine then, for me it works fine and for some other players also. -wEst-
  2. Hey jeru, I've got an awesome idea for you and your demo. Think about this: I guess you got a friend who is the owner or an admin of a server and already has banned one or couple more hackers. Just send him the demo, let him watch it and if he is seeing a hack in it, give him the GUID and IP or Logs to submit it to pbbans.com. When the demo shows edvidence that he really hacks, PBBans/Evenbalance will enforce a ban. -wEst-
  3. Dude, awesome service. Say a greetZ to the owner of the page, when i have an own server/homepage with files, i'll use it.
  4. Dead link. You should take a look and edit your link :P, after it i would be interested.
  5. Happy Holdiday's :P
  6. haha, happy b-day' xd
  7. I currently dont have a clan/server, but i could add my own homepage to the list. I will do now, thanks for information change by the way.
  8. Hey all, i got a question. Could you please change my team info from: Account ID 3219 Name SilentDeath-Clan Tag >>|SD| to: Name -wEst- Tag -wEst- Thanks
  9. k, mate. Thanks i figured out what was the problem, my stupid firewall only allowed PnkBstrA.exe, just added the 2nd one also :P. Thanks for help ace, Have a nice day :P
  10. Hey guys, I got a question how i can fix that problem: PnkBstrB.exe stopped Heartbeating. I get this problem on all .6b servers at ET. I join up and 2min later i get kicked. I can play ages on .55 and never had a kick for this problem. My pb files are up to date, new services installed and new PB file updates from pbsvsetup & pbsetup. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Its getting annoying over time. -wEst-
  11. So lets say that ROCKSTAR GAMES messed their new GTA for PC indeed up. I hope they fix that problems and begin to sell a patched version with "more" adjustable settings. I guess that ROCKSTAR wont do it, because they mostly dont care for PC versions. They get their money from the consoles. lol EDIT: Btw Black, you should come more often online at XFiRe lol, youre like dead there.
  12. Ya, i heard of those "fails" of GTA, tho. Seems like its a serious shit, so i'll wait till they fixed that problems.
  13. Well, first of all I am sorry taht i wasnt active at PBB forums. 2nd: Tgrable84, here you go. This is a script for Windows that uploads your htm and pbss to your ftp server. Instructions: Copy that code in your Notepad, edit the set homedir, set etdir, set ftpuser, set ftppass, set ftpserver settings and save it as wolfet_pbss.bat . Make sure that the saved file has the extension ".bat", it is a batchfile for windows what you can run manually. The homepath, example: If you have that server rnuning on your own PC, than the homedir would be the drive, where it is installed on. So its C:\. The etdir is the path to your ET, it should be set correctly with full path. Example: set etdir=C:\WolfensteinET\. Do not link it to etmain/etpub/etpro or something else, just to WolfensteinET. The ftpuser is your username that you use for logging-in to your FTP host. Example: set ftpuser=Tgrable84 The ftppass is your password that you need to login there. Example: set ftppass=password The ftpserver is the link to your server. Example: set ftpserver=ftp.Tgrabblesftp.com NOTE: It will delete the .htm and the .png files. When you dont want to have the files deleted after your upload, use the second script that i posted. If you want to have this runned automatically, just add a task with your Taskplaner. CODE rem wolfet_pbss.bat rem Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Screenshots Uploader rem coded by wEst rem set temp variables rem only this section should be different on each server set homedir= set etdir= set ftpuser= set ftppass= set ftpserver= rem Abort progress if no PB screenshots exist if not exist %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png goto clean-up rem rename pb screenshots adding random number cd %etdir%\pb\svss for %%i in (*.png) do ren %%i %random%_%%i cd %homedir% rem build ftp commands file echo open %ftpserver%> et_uploader.txt echo %ftpuser%>> et_uploader.txt echo %ftppass%>> et_uploader.txt echo prompt>> et_uploader.txt echo type binary>> et_uploader.txt echo cd /logs>> et_uploader.txt rem select pb screenshots echo mput %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png>> et_uploader.txt echo mput %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm>> et_uploader.txt echo bye>> et_uploader.txt rem upload all selected files to ftp server ftp -s:et_uploader.txt rem delete all pb screenshots del %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png /q del %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm /q :clean-up set homedir= set etdir= set ftpserver= set ftpuser= set ftppass= del et_uploader.txt Script which doesn't delete the files after upload: CODE rem wolfet_pbss.bat rem Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Screenshots Uploader rem coded by wEst rem set temp variables rem only this section should be different on each server set homedir= set etdir= set ftpuser= set ftppass= set ftpserver= rem Abort progress if no PB screenshots exist if not exist %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png goto clean-up rem rename pb screenshots adding random number cd %etdir%\pb\svss for %%i in (*.png) do ren %%i %random%_%%i cd %homedir% rem build ftp commands file echo open %ftpserver%> et_uploader.txt echo %ftpuser%>> et_uploader.txt echo %ftppass%>> et_uploader.txt echo prompt>> et_uploader.txt echo type binary>> et_uploader.txt echo cd /logs>> et_uploader.txt rem select pb screenshots echo mput %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png>> et_uploader.txt echo mput %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm>> et_uploader.txt echo bye>> et_uploader.txt rem upload all selected files to ftp server ftp -s:et_uploader.txt :clean-up set homedir= set etdir= set ftpserver= set ftpuser= set ftppass= del et_uploader.txt Greetz -wEst-
  14. 'mSc


    Okey thanks, I got my answer now. And the reason is that I just wanted to move my gun a bit forward to see the back of it. Makes Thompson look a lot better. Well, BlackWolf answered it. Have a nice day all
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