Well, first of all I am sorry taht i wasnt active at PBB forums.
2nd: Tgrable84, here you go.
This is a script for Windows that uploads your htm and pbss to your ftp server.
Copy that code in your Notepad, edit the set homedir, set etdir, set ftpuser, set ftppass, set ftpserver settings and save it as wolfet_pbss.bat .
Make sure that the saved file has the extension ".bat", it is a batchfile for windows what you can run manually.
The homepath, example: If you have that server rnuning on your own PC, than the homedir would be the drive, where it is installed on. So its C:\.
The etdir is the path to your ET, it should be set correctly with full path.
Example: set etdir=C:\WolfensteinET\. Do not link it to etmain/etpub/etpro or something else, just to WolfensteinET.
The ftpuser is your username that you use for logging-in to your FTP host.
Example: set ftpuser=Tgrable84
The ftppass is your password that you need to login there. Example: set ftppass=password
The ftpserver is the link to your server. Example: set ftpserver=ftp.Tgrabblesftp.com
It will delete the .htm and the .png files.
When you dont want to have the files deleted after your upload, use the second script that i posted.
If you want to have this runned automatically, just add a task with your Taskplaner.
rem wolfet_pbss.bat
rem Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Screenshots Uploader
rem coded by wEst
rem set temp variables
rem only this section should be different on each server
set homedir=
set etdir=
set ftpuser=
set ftppass=
set ftpserver=
rem Abort progress if no PB screenshots exist
if not exist %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png goto clean-up
rem rename pb screenshots adding random number
cd %etdir%\pb\svss
for %%i in (*.png) do ren %%i %random%_%%i
cd %homedir%
rem build ftp commands file
echo open %ftpserver%> et_uploader.txt
echo %ftpuser%>> et_uploader.txt
echo %ftppass%>> et_uploader.txt
echo prompt>> et_uploader.txt
echo type binary>> et_uploader.txt
echo cd /logs>> et_uploader.txt
rem select pb screenshots
echo mput %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png>> et_uploader.txt
echo mput %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm>> et_uploader.txt
echo bye>> et_uploader.txt
rem upload all selected files to ftp server
ftp -s:et_uploader.txt
rem delete all pb screenshots
del %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png /q
del %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm /q
set homedir=
set etdir=
set ftpserver=
set ftpuser=
set ftppass=
del et_uploader.txt
Script which doesn't delete the files after upload:
rem wolfet_pbss.bat
rem Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Screenshots Uploader
rem coded by wEst
rem set temp variables
rem only this section should be different on each server
set homedir=
set etdir=
set ftpuser=
set ftppass=
set ftpserver=
rem Abort progress if no PB screenshots exist
if not exist %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png goto clean-up
rem rename pb screenshots adding random number
cd %etdir%\pb\svss
for %%i in (*.png) do ren %%i %random%_%%i
cd %homedir%
rem build ftp commands file
echo open %ftpserver%> et_uploader.txt
echo %ftpuser%>> et_uploader.txt
echo %ftppass%>> et_uploader.txt
echo prompt>> et_uploader.txt
echo type binary>> et_uploader.txt
echo cd /logs>> et_uploader.txt
rem select pb screenshots
echo mput %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png>> et_uploader.txt
echo mput %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm>> et_uploader.txt
echo bye>> et_uploader.txt
rem upload all selected files to ftp server
ftp -s:et_uploader.txt
set homedir=
set etdir=
set ftpserver=
set ftpuser=
set ftppass=
del et_uploader.txt