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Everything posted by 'mSc
Hey Rodolf, i get on the Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Version 2.60b the same problem. It is because Punkbuster runs some md5 checks i guess, i found a simple solution: First of all join up a server on .6b and type /pb_sv_sleep 500 /pb_security 0 Then wait a while (20-30 seconds) until the lag is gone, then you should be able to play lagfree. This tip should also work with WolfET 2.55 & 2.56. How to update PB's files, too: Use Punkbuster update tool to add manually games and run a client/server update of pb. http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloader/download.php?file=1 Or you can do it in-game also if the tool won't work for you: Just do couple times /pb_sv_update and wait till you just get this response: "PunkBuster Server: Master Query sent to (*******.evenbalance.com) ***.***.***.***." "Punkbuster Server: Received Master Security Information" It should be fine then, for me it works fine and for some other players also. -wEst-
Hey jeru, I've got an awesome idea for you and your demo. Think about this: I guess you got a friend who is the owner or an admin of a server and already has banned one or couple more hackers. Just send him the demo, let him watch it and if he is seeing a hack in it, give him the GUID and IP or Logs to submit it to pbbans.com. When the demo shows edvidence that he really hacks, PBBans/Evenbalance will enforce a ban. -wEst-
Dude, awesome service. Say a greetZ to the owner of the page, when i have an own server/homepage with files, i'll use it.
Dead link. You should take a look and edit your link :P, after it i would be interested.
I currently dont have a clan/server, but i could add my own homepage to the list. I will do now, thanks for information change by the way.
Hey all, i got a question. Could you please change my team info from: Account ID 3219 Name SilentDeath-Clan Tag >>|SD| to: Name -wEst- Tag -wEst- Thanks
k, mate. Thanks i figured out what was the problem, my stupid firewall only allowed PnkBstrA.exe, just added the 2nd one also :P. Thanks for help ace, Have a nice day :P
Hey guys, I got a question how i can fix that problem: PnkBstrB.exe stopped Heartbeating. I get this problem on all .6b servers at ET. I join up and 2min later i get kicked. I can play ages on .55 and never had a kick for this problem. My pb files are up to date, new services installed and new PB file updates from pbsvsetup & pbsetup. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Its getting annoying over time. -wEst-
So lets say that ROCKSTAR GAMES messed their new GTA for PC indeed up. I hope they fix that problems and begin to sell a patched version with "more" adjustable settings. I guess that ROCKSTAR wont do it, because they mostly dont care for PC versions. They get their money from the consoles. lol EDIT: Btw Black, you should come more often online at XFiRe lol, youre like dead there.
Ya, i heard of those "fails" of GTA, tho. Seems like its a serious shit, so i'll wait till they fixed that problems.
PB ET Linux Uploading SS's to website
'mSc replied to ES Secret Squirrel's topic in General Discussions
[quote name='n1o -
PB ET Linux Uploading SS's to website
'mSc replied to ES Secret Squirrel's topic in General Discussions
Well, first of all I am sorry taht i wasnt active at PBB forums. 2nd: Tgrable84, here you go. This is a script for Windows that uploads your htm and pbss to your ftp server. Instructions: Copy that code in your Notepad, edit the set homedir, set etdir, set ftpuser, set ftppass, set ftpserver settings and save it as wolfet_pbss.bat . Make sure that the saved file has the extension ".bat", it is a batchfile for windows what you can run manually. The homepath, example: If you have that server rnuning on your own PC, than the homedir would be the drive, where it is installed on. So its C:\. The etdir is the path to your ET, it should be set correctly with full path. Example: set etdir=C:\WolfensteinET\. Do not link it to etmain/etpub/etpro or something else, just to WolfensteinET. The ftpuser is your username that you use for logging-in to your FTP host. Example: set ftpuser=Tgrable84 The ftppass is your password that you need to login there. Example: set ftppass=password The ftpserver is the link to your server. Example: set ftpserver=ftp.Tgrabblesftp.com NOTE: It will delete the .htm and the .png files. When you dont want to have the files deleted after your upload, use the second script that i posted. If you want to have this runned automatically, just add a task with your Taskplaner. CODE rem wolfet_pbss.bat rem Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Screenshots Uploader rem coded by wEst rem set temp variables rem only this section should be different on each server set homedir= set etdir= set ftpuser= set ftppass= set ftpserver= rem Abort progress if no PB screenshots exist if not exist %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png goto clean-up rem rename pb screenshots adding random number cd %etdir%\pb\svss for %%i in (*.png) do ren %%i %random%_%%i cd %homedir% rem build ftp commands file echo open %ftpserver%> et_uploader.txt echo %ftpuser%>> et_uploader.txt echo %ftppass%>> et_uploader.txt echo prompt>> et_uploader.txt echo type binary>> et_uploader.txt echo cd /logs>> et_uploader.txt rem select pb screenshots echo mput %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png>> et_uploader.txt echo mput %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm>> et_uploader.txt echo bye>> et_uploader.txt rem upload all selected files to ftp server ftp -s:et_uploader.txt rem delete all pb screenshots del %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png /q del %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm /q :clean-up set homedir= set etdir= set ftpserver= set ftpuser= set ftppass= del et_uploader.txt Script which doesn't delete the files after upload: CODE rem wolfet_pbss.bat rem Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Screenshots Uploader rem coded by wEst rem set temp variables rem only this section should be different on each server set homedir= set etdir= set ftpuser= set ftppass= set ftpserver= rem Abort progress if no PB screenshots exist if not exist %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png goto clean-up rem rename pb screenshots adding random number cd %etdir%\pb\svss for %%i in (*.png) do ren %%i %random%_%%i cd %homedir% rem build ftp commands file echo open %ftpserver%> et_uploader.txt echo %ftpuser%>> et_uploader.txt echo %ftppass%>> et_uploader.txt echo prompt>> et_uploader.txt echo type binary>> et_uploader.txt echo cd /logs>> et_uploader.txt rem select pb screenshots echo mput %etdir%\pb\svss\*.png>> et_uploader.txt echo mput %etdir%\pb\htm\*.htm>> et_uploader.txt echo bye>> et_uploader.txt rem upload all selected files to ftp server ftp -s:et_uploader.txt :clean-up set homedir= set etdir= set ftpserver= set ftpuser= set ftppass= del et_uploader.txt Greetz -wEst- -
Okey thanks, I got my answer now. And the reason is that I just wanted to move my gun a bit forward to see the back of it. Makes Thompson look a lot better. Well, BlackWolf answered it. Have a nice day all
I see no one got a clue. Thanks anyway to those, who thought about a reason.
Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory.
Hey all, I've got a question about the cvars: cg_gunx cg_guny cg_gunz Well, how you all know, does each of this commands move your gun on your screen and the only allowed integer is 0. But my question is now, why are these 3 cvars cheat protected and/or does PB enforce ban for them if we use those? I don't see any reason to protect them and if theres one reason, can you please explain? Thanks anyway for help -wEst-
damn this question... FIX IT FTW!!!!!