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Everything posted by Uthog

  1. People often say to me that i am a hacker, they also say i will report you to EA PB PBBAns etc. However as soon as i ask wich cheat should i be using then they say, aimbot cause you shoot me from train at warehouse. People mostly only know 1 hack...aimbot they think aimbot can do everything shoot trough walls etc just shows how noobisch some people are. Take it as a compliment for your skills mate:).
  2. Uthog

    News on 1.50

    If i was DICE i would also say BF:BC isnt comming to the PC cause that isnt. BF3 is going to be a whole new game;)
  3. Uthog

    News on 1.50

    Well i know that EA bought some webdomeins wich contain BF3 and battlefield3
  4. If you open your global.con file open up your special charachter menu pick some characters and paste them into your global.con file you can have a very not ingame creatable tag:P
  5. Clantag can contain all characters, names on the otherhand cant. You can change your tag with global.con file in your BF2 profile(correct?)
  6. Uthog

    News on 1.50

    Well i have a few of them and i dont gett much comm hackers in anymore.
  7. Uthog

    News on 1.50

    There is a max of cars and boxen is a game, cause that is 4 for supplie boxes for each side(so 8) and 2 cars for each side(total of 4). However the hack disables that option and lett the user keep dropping them.
  8. Had the same situation on my BF2 server, that guy was moving fast etc so i shot him while crouchen and back up the whole time. He did the same after i shot him he said i am going to report you to PBBans for a wallhack, and some of my admins where like...wtf:S you know what you are doing atm. I still havent seen him here though.
  9. And please stop Talking Like This It Is Annoying.
  10. Wich game? If it is BF2 i advice not to forbid the use of grenade launchers(forbidden by EA)
  11. As far as i know Evenbalance has dropped nova logic
  12. I agree with you on the 5 points, the quote i cant say never heard it before.
  13. I think nobody has acces to all cheats. But i am reading it correct the blocker in question was a private blocker from 2007? so it is indeed a cheat?
  14. Please, you didnt agreed with the rules here, you left...please stay away you are behaving yourself like a little child atm stop doing it. People will stop respecting you this way and you will make it even harder for yourself.
  15. Well EA needed to keep there support at the level they are now so this action fits right there:P
  16. Gs.net and MGCEU(Multi Gaming Community Europe, new WHF project) will continue to support PBBans no matter what other former SGA's say. Keep up the good work!!
  17. Yep, your screwd. If you have a key, keep it to yourself dont give it away also never ever take an already used key and play on it.
  18. You should ask your host about this.
  19. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srch...amp;safeview=no Can be this guy. But hey who cares he is a failure anyway.
  20. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=259 daar een topic aanmaken, schaap is afwezig en kan dus geen vragen beantwoorden. Het gequote stuk posten en indien aanpassen naar eigen wens:)
  21. Ja dat is normaal, en er is geen staff member meer Schaap heeft aangekondigd dat hij afwezig is dus alles moet in het andere engelse forum gepost worden. In mijn server(s) wordeng emiddel wel 50 mensen verbannen, echter worden deze allemaal in andere servers gepakt als je anounce bans uitvinkt dan zal je zien dat dat niet meer gebeurd en zal je zien zodra er 1tje word verbannen in je server die onder jouw team account komt te staan.
  22. Als announce new bans aangevinkt staat laat je server ingame alle nieuwe bans zien. hoe je ze geintergreerd zijn kan ik niet vertellen, schaap kan dat wsl wel of een SGA.
  23. PBBans only take in bans found in streaming server logs. so gett your server streaming:)
  24. 362 fix it!
  25. Happy birthday bob! :)
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