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Everything posted by scottishrebal

  1. figured it out myself and yes our member is now on with every other 88.108 ip banned thanks for the support. :D
  2. If all fails then i think this is your last resort from reinstalling the game completely. Click Here and follow the steps exactly as they are. This resolves every problem i have ever had with BF2142 Punkbuster and i hope it works for you.
  3. kk so ive removed the previous ban now to ban all 88.108. ip's but without banning the members ip which is so i would enter pb_sv_banmask 88.108.2 correct? then keep entering that up until 88.108.9 That would mean if the ip goes 88.108.1xx.xxx they would be allowed on. If the ip went anywhere between and 88.108.999.999 then they would be kicked. correct?
  4. oh also how do you remove the first ban i added the pb_sv_banmask 88.108.?
  5. What code would it be for me to ban a certain range of ips upto another ip. say the members ip is to make this clear i ban every ip from upto (leaves clan members ip unbanned) then ban from to 88.108.999.999. correct? im one of rogu3granny's co-leaders and lets just say im more happy doing this kind of stuff.
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