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Everything posted by Killerplautze

  1. we want to reactivate our team account need we to change the master user or can anyone else from the team send the ticket?
  2. If your server is showing as not streaming and you know it is setup to stream, send the following command to the server: pb_sv_ver This happens when the pb task pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver isn't setup correctly and the server is empty for more then 3 hours.
  3. they heard the voices masterserver is back :rockon:
  4. yep they did there
  5. it seems that he masterservers are down plz post here if y get the same expierience
  6. we have a problem with rocmod 2.1c after changing the sof2ded file the admins are now anonymus and the medals at the end of each round are gone any idea ?
  7. good idea the mate solved the prob with an extern screen there it works
  8. Hi one of our clanmates has a problem after upgrading to Win 7 the game is running but only in small size i copy and paste his question for better understanding: "In regards to the issue/s with the game, I'm totally confused as to what to do next, I've tried just abouts everything you can imagine to make it work, bios, xp compatibility, downloaded every possible patch, updated graphic card and bios.... The pbm is that the game does work, but with a screen size no bigger than a netbook. None of the whizkids forums have come up with anything, Activision have made a couple of suggestions but they have nothing more to suggest (at this stage)... I wait and try anything, but ultimately it looks to me that it will be the case of reverting back to Vista and therefore be able to play SOF with a full screen, or move on with times and keep Win 7 and play the game with a reduced screen. Good fun for sure... Catch later!" any help is appreciated
  9. sy just a note we are talking about not 123 in the end of the adress
  10. hello we changed our host and i added the new server ( ) to our account (id 613) but it still says inactive any ideas? KP
  11. ich denke du musst zus. den GUID einf greetinghub.bmp
  12. fing fast reply thank you
  13. Welches Spiel und/oder ein Link zum Ban w
  14. ah ok tx , we are changing servers at the moment i forgot
  15. since yesterday my account is sezt from SGA to normal user any idea why?
  16. Took the player info of a guy in our server. Instead of his guid there is shown: GUID unknown not sure kick him for GUID spoofing or could it bea glitch? never saw this before
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