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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. http://blogs.battlefield.com/2012/03/ps3-update-live/ If this comes to PC I am officially done with BF3, and DICE.
  2. I love how all you morons, say totally the wrong action by PBBans, when it's happened numerous times over the past several years. Where were you guys when those others got removed? When innocents were banned? Go away you dam trolls and learn what an actual hack is.
  3. Too bad Soap died in MW3
  4. Sounds like someone's gonna die from liver cancer.
  5. Yes.
  6. LMFAO @ That video.
  7. Did they fix two things thou Can you use MMB for recording audio now? It didn't detect mouse inputs before. Did they fix how videos are recorded? If I ever used an uncompressed format, or anything VLC can't open it.
  8. Requesting topic lock, I think this has gone on long enough.
  9. Can you cut the crap Harry and stop trying to shit on PBBans every chance you get? You agree to disagree we get it, lets keep this dick waving contest to a PM and off the public forums please.
  10. My best game to date. http://i.imgur.com/8kKoa.jpg
  11. Agree with you for the most part, except for some weird things.
  12. I figured the hook hadn't been updated, it's all good :)
  13. No more rep in topic posts?
  14. I hope its better, Bash Webcast got really stale in the later episodes.
  15. As I use to play this in 1v1's religiously I am down.
  16. Nice MaydaX
  17. New IPB update or plugins? Sorry haven't been following Invision in awhile.
  18. Ill run with you in BF2 any time Taz :P
  19. I'll see you all on the Karkand pack, that's all I'm going to be playing. Any other BF2 Pros wanna run with me ? :D
  20. As do I.
  21. To be honest, I would have been more happy with a delay in the release date, thank skuing it to the console for faster production.
  22. Another Victory for the Hackers. Can't we behave ourselves and all focus on the real goal here.
  23. The graphics get better if you install it on your harddrive honest :)
  24. I really hope they make some more HD textures, for example. http://www.hlportal.de/images/images/original/33271.jpg That Brick texture is the SAME TEXTURE IN EVERY HL2 GAME.
  25. Or at least until it gets optimized and has the kinks ironed out.
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