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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. LOL why are you using a trainer in RA3, the game is piss easy.
  2. All the money and shit they spent on DRM and it was cracked within a day.
  3. What I still find funny is PsB isn't banning for the screenshots PBBans is which is what this is over. And yet Bazaar tried to force PBBans to ban a Overlay removal that PsB is banning for, why isn't Bazaar over bitching at PsB about that? I smell hypocrisy.
  4. Sorry suspend me or whatever but I feel this must be said upon all SGAs here. GROW THE f*ck UP BAZAAR, IF YOUR SO GODDAM MATURE GROW SOME BALLS AND KNOCK OFF THE CHILDISH BULLSHIT We here at PBBans work here to catch hackers, not start flame wars. You sir make more enemies than allies in these posts. We're sick of the shit, move on and be the more mature person and stop if your so much more mature than Bob. At least he has enough respect to do that.
  5. Will be here you regardless how many flame wars spout up. Keep up the good work Bob.
  6. LMAO
  7. Thanks I will try this.
  8. Don't know why, but ever since the EA server incident where no one could play properly, everytime I play occasionally I get "connection to server has been lost" until I restart. Then everything is fine and dandy. Anyone know how I go about fixing this?
  9. Congrats. Keep up the great work guys. :D
  10. I may be coming off as an ass, but can you speak in proper "English" sentences? I hate reading "LOL OMG U R TEH NUB" It's funny as a joke, but when you trying to address an issue and I can't make out half of what your saying, you need to fix that.
  11. Thank you for your help.
  12. I thought the command was PB_SV_GETSS ID+1? At least thats how our server is =/
  13. Sorry for double post, but it saids our Clan tag is already in use? Can someone check if is registered to anything.
  14. Does the command pb_sv_restart restart Punkbuster or the server itself? NEVERMIND, figured it out.
  15. I've recently decided to Stream to here, and the site I'm already streaming to. ( punksbusted ) I've currently set up a test server to test streaming, to you because I have a fairly active server, that I do not want to mess up, testing with. I have the PBBans CFGs in there and setup the server accordingly, but when I go to check if it is streaming it tells me its not. My questions are... 1. Do you have to make an account here before it streams? ( Streaming Account that is ) 2. When I add it to my main server, should I use the rcon commands or is there a line out of the CFG I can add to my current one? 3. Any possiblity of telling if the test is streaming now, to make sure my work is thorough. Thanks in advance. ~Piggy
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