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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. Update Punkbuster and you should be fine.
  2. Game is only windowed when your picking missions/changing settings/ among other things. Once your ingame it goes full screen. Server's seem to crashing a helluva a lot.
  3. Piggy

    News on 1.50

    Yeah so true :P They'd rather spend cash on marketing their new games instead of ensuring the playability of their others.
  4. Piggy

    News on 1.50

    I'm personally disappointed on how long it's taking to get a "patch" out. I know it takes time and all, but this is getting ridiculous.
  5. Piggy

    Optimus Ryhme

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wk1hf3dYXk BEST. VIDEO. EVER.
  6. Theres a reason it's "beta" software.
  7. He never said he used a proxy...
  8. I say unban him cause he obviously is legit and MIRC must have been what set it off ;)
  9. He is not basing it on repetitive screen shots, I have no idea how the heck we got on the subject. He is banned on the case of black screen shots that can be easily fixed a multiple of ways. Until it is fixed they have banned him.
  10. Piggy

    What it is

    Not bannable bug/glitch related.
  11. Nope, not unless you start streaming.
  12. PBBans does not ban for glitches.
  13. It will not work, it's beta software and EB wont fix it for that.
  14. Good to hear, thanks Bob.
  15. PBBans does not ban from servers that are not steaming.
  16. I got a couple screens getting called a hacker to, a bunch of it is usually kick votes though. They are on my other PC D:
  17. Glad to hear there are some innocent people, majority of the time they aren't.
  18. Piggy

    News on 1.50

    They buy a lot of domains, but there is not a single advertisement for it. If it was going to happen it would have already been advertised.
  19. Piggy

    News on 1.50

    All they really have to do is make commander assets different models ( i.e. Cars/boxes ) and limit the max number of boxes/cars ingame to about 2 or 3.
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