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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/n...et.php?game=waw
  2. PBBans does not deal with local server based bans. Take it up with them.
  3. Works for BF2 on the RTM which I got completely legit... honest... you have to run it on Vista Service Pack2
  4. This guy makes the best threads. Make him a staff member!
  5. Looks like someone either tried to mod a localization file and failed, or it's a missing line in the localization.
  6. I just love how those logs don't show anything at all LOL.
  7. Dam I went 51/11 today for once that might be a bad idea.
  8. Thousands of other appeals do it everyday, your obviously not doing it right.
  9. You already have a set. You use them to spy on MaydaX.... Oh shouldn't have told him.
  10. Try making a new thread instead of hijacking and 4 month old thread.
  11. Your GUID relax is set to high.
  12. Try looking at more SS, it happens all the time.
  13. Regardless if he isn't or isn't, you have 3 other MAJOR problems that need to be fixed.
  14. It's due to resolution, clean.
  15. And why did this get digged up?
  16. Steam is better than anything I've ever used. And they don't resell keys.....
  17. Piggy

    Help needed

    Last one could be graphics the rest are just the cache bug mixed with the desktop bug.
  18. If the topic had not been moved I would have quoted where it said he was cheating, but since it's been removed that's fine. Your server your rules anyhow I thought he handled it quite well since what he was banned for changed several times.
  19. As strong as your inability to read apparently.
  20. Your the only disappointing thing here.....
  21. Oh I hope that someone over the "internet" would not hold anything against me. You tried to use cracked servers and you got caught, and you wonder why the staff here wont allow you. :rolleyes: Hell even PsB wouldn't take you in, pull your pants up and move on. If your question is not about streaming then what? All I see is people who refuse to give up and think that "Oh lemme get a new clan name and server, and you'll let us back right?" You knew what you guys we're doing when you attempted this, don't act like the innocent party here. PBBans has every right to deny you and your cheating ways.
  22. Just give up already jesus. Duality has gave his decision and so has the entire staff.
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