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Everything posted by Piggy

  1. Happy Holidays to all.
  2. VAC doesn't take reports so, there's no good in doing it.
  3. I highly doubt it will happen at all Surf.
  4. Umm that is based off the server, so no you cannot be removed, and is probably a global message EVERYONE gets. Another thing you can do is contact the master user of the account, other than that I'm not sure if it can be removed unless by him.
  5. Why did bump another old topic Chaos, can you stop that.
  6. This guy needs to write a novel or a Children's Book.
  7. There IS a SGA only section for this, do not need to post this Public...
  8. Has he tried Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode?
  9. Doesn't matter if he was testing hacks, doesn't matter if your clan destroyed itself, doesn't matter if it was three years ago... It was used to hack and that's the end of it, your responsible for your own key, and your own computer. FYI, might wanna keep your story straight, since it's changed quite a bit since your original post.
  10. Most likely has to do with the upgrade, it ports the permissions and some permissions for added for some features. So you didn't have permission cause it didn't exist and now it does, etc etc... Sure MayDax can fix it fast.
  11. This is exactly why I stopped playing during the beta... The day they took all of our beta items and made them cost real money, I said "f*ck it!"
  13. Run your game in Compatibility mode, for Windows XP SP2. If that doesn't work make sure Window's Firewall is off. The cvars don't change cause you're on Windows 7....
  14. Have attempted to use this thing called "Google" yet.
  16. Meh not to dis steam, but its only 10 dollars on NewEgg.
  17. Racism makes everyone look smart.
  18. Umm try and learn proper English before you try and shit talk. Otherwise your just putting your foot in your mouth, just like you are now.
  19. Sometimes I just love the way he describes things lol. Other times he completely annoys me.
  20. Sound pretty sad if that is infact true, that they have to pay to get decent reviews.
  21. The same way you did before?
  22. Piggy

    Bug drivers

    How the hell did they break Generals so bad? :blink:
  23. The simple fact that the ground is also black coupled with parts of the map are still be rendered or in the process of being rendered.
  24. Looks like graphics to be honest.
  25. Holy BF2142 is going to be getting some lovin too? I might go back and play more then.
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