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Everything posted by BILL O'

  1. BILL O'


    Thanks for the help we are good to go..
  2. BILL O'


    Okay I also have this in my pbsv.cfg
  3. BILL O'


    Ok I signed up for the Protect Tag, now I am wondering if someone who comes in has it and has not registerd his tag, is he supposed to be kicked? I have edited my pbsv.cfg with
  4. Good luck to you in the future. Wow how many years in the Airforce? Retired 2W1X1 here ..
  5. thanks bro!
  6. =|H2o|=
  7. Thanks for that info, but that did not fix my problem, here is the thread at IW, seems there is a problem witht the master servers.
  8. ROGER that, Roadwarrior, I found the culpriate turns out "NVIDIA forceware Network Access Manager" was the driver that was messing things up, this was casuing my Vent to crash, and Media Player, Bad FPS in COD4 and was responsible for a bad video install.
  9. you should all try Opera.. yeah the name sucks but the browser kicks ass has a feature called speed dail which will list up two nine webpages on one page..
  10. VISTA64, P5N-D NF75OI chipset Yeah that was the funny part it was after a update, but it all started when I tried to get my XRAY to work.. that in itself is a story, but after a reformat,
  11. I have a Nforce chipset Motherboard and I am running Vista 64, I am having so many problems, I was wondering if I was the only one. I heard that having Vista 64 and Nforce drivers are really causing problems? Thoughts?
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