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Everything posted by *PNX*5thConcept

  1. only thing i can think of - is it was an old server we no longer used - it was taken off line - then someone else comes along an rents the server - it comes back online - but like i said I never added it so that part is beyond me ! or maybe Happy "EX clan member added it before i removed him from the list" who knows - people like to play games! thats why he was removed from the user list too!
  2. so i can just go ahead and delete it even thought its streaming - but its not one i added ? just showed up today ?
  3. a second server showed up in our account today House of pain its not run by us - could you please remove it - it must have been one of our old servers taken on from someone else after it stopped streaming and its been added again ughhh
  4. I simply gave up "Couldnt find exactly what i needed despite reading alot of posts" not knowing enough about pb and how it works , i didnt want to simply replace my pb files on my server and not be able to undo it should something go wrong... Guess you could say "there was nothing I could find that was CLEAR - START HERE - DO A>B>C>D etc FINISH HERE and your all done .. seems to much info scattered all over the place. So i guess i`ll just have to carry on reading , learing which is a shame because we have had 2 or 3 multihack users logged in our logs this past 2 weeks and it would have been nice to have globally banned them!
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