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Everything posted by XynDicAte9

  1. freeBSD + KDE = WIN! Ubuntu is ok, just OK. It has gotten a little bloated for my tastes. I have high hopes for Windows 7, but I will wait until there is at least one SP out before using it as a primary OS. Seriously, if you are a UNIX derivative fan, try freeBSD, or go straight to PC-BSD if you just need "desktop" capabilities.
  2. I was at the Quartermaster Symposium (ARMY) down at Ft. Lee this past June. A few of the displays were for the replacement and/or addition to the MRE. I have to say they have come a long way, in regards to the fact that non of us got food poisoning! :P I don't know which is worse, cutting finding altogether, or diverting funding to support ridiculous pet projects. What message does this send to our troops?
  3. Ms. Williams should be drawn and quartered for her complete lack of respect and disregard, not only to the men and women who serve in our armed forces (whom I happen to work for), but to their families that struggle with the harsh realities of a country at war.
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