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Everything posted by WolfSpirit

  1. All fixed basically you have to ask support for permission to your pb folder. And to the one who has full FTP Im sure mate for you to have full FTP you are running an unranked server. As you are not permitted full FTP access from what I have read from EA if your server is ranked.
  2. How can I access my Pbss without being able to use ftp? my host is Game Servers
  3. FINALLY found 2 problems 1.when someone said main i thought they ment just the COD 4 folder ty Hugin for pointing me in direction and 2 u must change where u see save as type u must change it to all files so then you can have it read as cfg file thanks alot guys but I got it to work
  4. It is reading the command but in full console I get a weird error it says can not load raw file rcon.cfg then in next line it says can not exec rcon.cfg any idea why?
  5. I must be really dumb I cant get none of these to work I cant even change the target line on my iw3mp.exe I give up ill just look into changing my password to something I can remember
  6. I must be really ignorant as the bind didnt work for some reason now with the shortcut tip do I put that after "x:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\iw3mp.exe" ?
  7. Hello I am new to Rcon type admin and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on how to do admin through Rcon the old school way :lol:
  8. I need help getting my GUID I have tried using PB_MyGuid as stated by evenbalance but it doesnt show me my guid ....nothing happens when i use this command can some one please help ty in advance
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