I've been name-spoofed before, had a ban in my name with the spoofers IP and GUID from Canada (I'm not from there). Then, I was lucky enough to have my account hacked two times. The first time, I was given every gold and every medal there was including four stars, but with Colonel points. I was able to get this fixed by going through EA games. I was lucky enough to get screen shots of all my points, rank, medals etc. When I was about to get two star general on my own, my account was hacked again. This time, I received four stars and about one million negative score. I submitted a ticket to ea and they zeroed out my score completely, with no medals at all. I submitted another ticket to ea games and sent them my screen shots. I was given my score restored and my correct rank back, however I lost all my medals and time in squad leading etc.
Log into ea games and submit a ticket. There is a certain path you take, I'm sure at the end it will give you the option about having a hacked account.