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Everything posted by mauwl

  1. great thanks for your help ;)
  2. ty for message firestorm, yes it's the ip from us server It's really strange, the server are streaming since begining when we register with you, yesterday i had again enter to streaming server forum and on the private access for see the hash of player. i have already send differents screenshoots with hacker but this day impossible, maybe a deleted account ? it's possible look if other admin for the server have the same problem => name piggy or madmax with the ip from the same server ty for your help :)
  3. ty i just look with ip and server never stop streaming :mellow: you can see yourself ip of the server
  4. hi, pb staff can you look plz I try to enter on pbbans private forum, or look for screenshoots but i can log my user name, but i have always error => only streaming admin can have access, but i m a admin streaming, yesterday not problem for log but today impossible. Can you look what the problem ? ty
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