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Everything posted by Ezk.

  1. Ezk.

    Fake guid

    Sorry for late reply, but thanks for the answer. Unfortunately the decision to stream isn't up to me although personally would love to. I guess people would rather have a populated server most of the time then not. I will be bringing it up in our next monthly meeting. I am not sure what the guidrelax settings are currently. We do kick for absent guid's and i regularly check for ones with funny characters. We have another b3 option, but i cannot remember what it is at this point. Like i said i won't be able to for some time being out of town. I do thank you for your replies. They have been helpful.
  2. Ezk.

    Fake guid

    That i understand. Server population is decreased with streaming pb... However, i am still allowed to look up guid's which does come back with players in the mbi.But i am just confused as to what "no results found" actually means. That's why i ask if that is either because its mostly fake or they have never played on a pb server. We have a b3 plugin that kicks for no guids. Fake ones not so much.
  3. Ezk.

    Fake guid

    I have been away for a long while; but now i currently admin a dozen servers although the servers are not streaming pb i use pb bans to look up suspicious players to see if they have a history. I can't remember if when i look up a guid and it comes back no results found if that means the guid is fake or they have just never, ever played on a pb server...
  4. hey this is AA_EZ from COD4 Angry Angels server, i just kicked u because u were being "funny" so i thought i would be to. Ur NOT banned so get ur ass back on the server!! I registered at ur site hoping to reach u there , but no avail. SO u can delete my account.

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