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Everything posted by heinz@tomato

  1. Happy Easter !!!
  2. www.pbbans.com/forums/forum-de-discussion-générale-f298.html
  3. 1. Open windows firewall 2. click advanced settings( on the left) and then inbound (also left) 3. Find PnkbstrA.exe and PnkbstrB.exe (if you have two of both, its fine) 4. right click on each of them>properties>programs and services 5. make sure that "all programs that meet the spesifications" is checked 6. then go to the "Advanced" tab and check all 3 boxes. Domain, Private and Public. 7. REMEMBER TO DO THIS FOR ALL PnkBstr Files. then save and quit. 8. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 4 and delete "Pb" folder. 9. go to these 2 links: http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloader/download.​php?file=1 http://www.evenbalance.com/downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.e​xe 10. download and install both 11. Run Pbsetup.exe (the first link) 12. add a game (eg. bf4) 13. check for updates.
  4. look here http://www.pbbans.com/forums/bf4-r20-server-update-t181579.html
  5. if a game like bf4 total is F**ckt up you put the problems by others ,so now its punkbuster before it was Frostbytes , 20 patches and still a NOT working game
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNQkyMJW00o&feature=c4-overview&list=UUQEd7Dd8yfiYpnpPP8OC1Gw
  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all !!
  8. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html&lang=de http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html NICHT deine guids posten hier !!!!
  9. hi, we have 3 Bf3 servers that run streaming Punkbuster, 2 servers in the Uk working fine and have no problems ,but 1 server in the USA have problems , i must every day setup the server again to streaming with automated hub setup,and after about 12 hours it stop streaming again, maybe some one know why this is server ip thanks
  10. hi, we setup a bf3 server in the pb manage servers we get this message, the PB on the server was setup with Automated Streaming Setup and the server wont show here in the Account Manager - Server List, after compleet the ip and port it say like below , but under the line it say the server is added on the list but is not there thanks heinz MySQL DEBUG: |INSERT INTO pb_accounts_servers (account_id, stream_type, server_type, server_ip, server_port, server_desc, server_bookmark date_added, is_active, status, flags, lg_flags) VALUES ( '5534','hub','41','','25210','noobs!!!UnitednoobsRush server','','1320680887','no','new','2691088','0')| 'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'date_added, is_active, status, flags, lg_flags) VALUES ( '5534','hub','4' at line 1'
  11. Glad to see u guys back on line !!!, missed the PBbans some days , keep up the good work :rolleyes:
  12. Hi, if have not found what the problem was , so reinstall the whole incl.vista again now its running Thanks for the reply and help!! Heinz
  13. yea Pb is allowed to communicate, i use the game and server with PB on last night and there was no problem also this morning it was running fine, and from 1 min to the other PB kick me , and i must to those servers cause i admin some
  14. I have done all that , and again its the same as before get kickt by PB
  15. Hi, I get now afther a update from PB the notice COMMUNICATION FAILURE PNKBSTRB.EXE I have deleted all the PB files with the use of the Prg from PB and made a new install , but the failure comes back. what to do ?? i have all versions on the PC 1.0 up to 1.7 Thanks Heinztomato
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