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About {GsP}Wildcat

  • Birthday 10/14/1980

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  • Location
    Kansas City

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    Gaming Since Pong
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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Tried to message Duality, but I don't think it worked. The essence of my message is "let's get a poll on here, and see how many of us will put our foot down regarding the disgrace to PC gaming with the dedicated servers issue, and furthermore the use of VAC as an anti-cheat (we all know VAC is far inferior to PunkBuster, and has no support like PBBans). So, we're all here for one reason, to bust punks and keep PC gaming alive. I propose the administration start a poll, and contribute to our cause. It may help, it may not. I have no idea what negotiations have taken place between Activision (who HAS to be behind this) and Steam. Let's not take this lightly, and move on to the next FPS with PunkBuster support!
  2. 17,600 signatures now, including mine.
  3. This is utterly ridiculous... :( VAC, seriously? That anti-cheat is complete shit if you will forgive my expletive for a moment. I love how they waited until three weeks prior to launch to announce this as well. I may still purchase the game. But only if you can play against console kids, so I can properly pwn them with my mouse and keyboard B) But, I'll likely not buy it, as it will be full to the kilt with haxors.
  4. Thank you sir. Will have it streaming ASAP!
  5. That would be helpful now, wouldn't it? :unsure:
  6. Hi, We've had several servers streaming to PBBans. I recently purchased a new server, but it appears another owner recently owned it, and was streaming as well. I attempted to bring the server "back online", but it is still registered to the previous owner. I can't get the server streaming again without some intervention from the PBBans staff. Any guidance here would be appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the post guys. I really appreciate it. Vin, What I was asking (sorry I didn't clarify), is how you use both those commands at once? For instance, Crossfire map ends, now I'd like to load Pipeline next as domination. I know I could rotate to pipeline, but then the map would restart again if I changed the default gametype after the map loads, correct?
  8. Hey guys, Anyone know how to change the map AND gametype using /pb_rcon? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. ROFLMAO !! "My friend does not cheat".... LoL You need to wake up buddy. Most hackers won't tell a soul they're hacking. I would compare it to a cheating spouse - most of them would never admit to cheating either, and are likely to die without telling anyone. Esentially cheaters don't want anyone to know they're cheating, because, well.... It's WEAK and proves they suck!!
  10. Thanks man - it's been taken care of !
  11. What steps do I need to take to become a streaming game admin in my clan? Server {GsP} Thanks in advance for the help !
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