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Everything posted by -=NBK=-DethRok

  1. Just a quick thank you...we are back up and streaming. A nice secure feeling. We appreciate you and your decision to keep with it! [NBK]DethRok www.nbkgamers.com
  2. here is what our config reads after running the tool... pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconignoreempty seem correct?
  3. is not active...I followed the online reactivation directions but no streaming. Can you help? [NBK]DethRok
  4. Hello, being an avid gamer and owner of an online gaming community, I was excited to be on the front lines of the latest online gaming craze, 3D gaming. BF2 and almost every other game out today has already been predesigned to run these 3D options and the game looks incredible in 3D, but Punk Buster is still kicking people for using these drivers. Is there any possibilty that online gaming services such as Punk Buster will allow these drivers in game and on line in the near future. I'm over playing against 3D bots and I'm ready for the real thing! [NBK]DethRok www.nbkgamers.com
  5. I BEEN SCREAMING IT FOR YEARS. FIX YOUR CRAPPY SOFTWARE. Sux that it always comes down to crap like this to get these morons to actually DO something. And a personal note to EB/PB, "Efff you!"
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