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Everything posted by Suicidal345

  1. OMG....forget this...i am not typing all these commands every god damn day!!! IT IS NOT STREAMING TODAY AGAIN.
  2. grr...dude i saw the thing saying "Im streaming"WHy does it keep turning off! Why do i have to type in all those commands every day!!THis is really getting annoying. Does it turn off when we switch the map?Geez. Now its streaming again.
  3. im streaming again:)
  4. i deleted pbsv.cfg and added the rules to pbsvuser.cfg can someone give me the commands to put into pbsvuser.cfg
  5. Hello I came on today and i noticed my name was Blue.Which means im a member,and im not streaming I checked my account management and it said "Server not streaming"And it said that it has not been streaming for two days now.And it was before.
  6. Yes he helped me alot. Today we will see if i can start using the Admin Panel
  7. if i delete the pbsv.cfg. wouldnt this stop me from streaming to PBbans? Heres the pbsvuser.cfg it still done work pb_sv_logaddr " " pb_sv_logport 1716 pb_sv_loguser "public" pb_sv_logpw "" pb_sv_task 60 800 "say ~~We are recruiting! www.AlliedTacticalForces.com~~" pb_sv_task 120 800 "say ~~Banned unfairly? Appeal at our forums~~" pb_sv_task 180 800 "say ~~This is a NO OBJ server!!~~" pb_sv_task 240 800 "say ~~NO intentional TKing~~" pb_sv_task 300 800 "say ~~No racism or sexism!!~~" pb_sv_task 360 800 "say ~~NO hacks or cheats!~~" pb_sv_task 420 800 "say ~~Medics do your job or prepare to get TKed~~" pb_sv_task 540 800 "say ~~Pillar leaning and bunny hopping IS allowed~~" pb_sv_task 660 800 "say ~~We kick for fun, so don't piss the admins off~~" pb_sv_task 780 800 "say ~~Neglecting the rules will result in a kick/ban~~" // Clear Memory pb_sv_CVAREmpty pb_sv_FileEmpty pb_sv_TaskEmpty pb_sv_MD5ToolEmpty pb_sv_BanEmpty pb_sv_BadNameEmpty pb_sv_NameLockEmpty pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconignoreempty // Updates PB pb_sv_update // PB ScreenShot Facility pb_sv_SsWidth 1024 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsHeight 768 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsSrate 2 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 3 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsXpct 45 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsYpct 65 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 //[Minimum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 600 //[Maximum # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 1000 //[High screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_AutoSs 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_LogCeiling 1000 //[High log filename serial #] pb_sv_ssLogging 3 //[0=Nothing logged, 1=Normal, 2=Saves in .SS, 3=1 & 2 (default=0)] pb_sv_ssTimeout 0 //[seconds] // Randomly Changes The Area Of Screen Captured // Take screenshot from up right corner. pb_sv_task 300 2400 pb_sv_SsXpct 90 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_task 300 2400 pb_sv_SsYpct 10 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] // Take screenshot from random location. pb_sv_task 600 2400 pb_sv_SsXpct -1 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_task 600 2400 pb_sv_SsYpct -1 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] // Take screenshot from middle of the screen (This is default) pb_sv_task 900 2400 pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_task 900 2400 pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_CQC 0 // Ensure that PB is turned on and basic security is active pb_sv_NoGuidGrace 1 pb_sv_restrictions 1 pb_sv_dupNameGrace 1 pb_sv_changePeriod 900 // Limits the minimum name of any player to 3. pb_sv_MinName 3 // CVAR Walk Time pb_sv_cvarwalk 4 // Prevents players from logging in with an invalid name or with non-standard characters pb_sv_extChar 0 pb_sv_guidRelax 0 pb_sv_MaxConDls 6 pb_sv_md5toolfreq 30 pb_sv_CvarFreq 5 pb_sv_lan 0 pb_sv_autoUpdBan 1 // Prevents the use of 'empty' names pb_sv_emptyname 0 // Kicks players for 1, instead of 2 minutes on cvar violation. pb_sv_kicklen 1 // Designed to optimize the server by cycling every 100 milleseconds instead of 10, reduces lag. pb_sv_sleep 100 // Makes sure the PunkBuster is enabled Client Side pb_sv_cvar cl_punkbuster IN 1 Add me on xfire <<<--------------
  8. i typed that in. And it didnt say anything.. here is my pbsv.cfg ;Auto Generated by PunkBuster Server ; Some of the following settings may not apply, ; consult manuals at evenbalance.com for full documentation pb_sv_uconadd 1 AONLIVE LIVEBETA pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use pb_sv_task 60 800 say ~~We are recruiting! www.AlliedTacticalForces.com~~ pb_sv_task 120 800 say ~~Banned unfairly? Appeal at our forums~~ pb_sv_task 180 800 say ~~This is a NO OBJ server!!~~ pb_sv_task 240 800 say ~~NO intentional TKing~~ pb_sv_task 300 800 say ~~No racism or sexism!!~~ pb_sv_task 360 800 say ~~NO hacks or cheats!~~ pb_sv_task 420 800 say ~~Medics do your job or prepare to get TKed~~ pb_sv_task 540 800 say ~~Pillar leaning and bunny hopping IS allowed~~ pb_sv_task 660 800 say ~~We kick for fun, so don't piss the admins off~~ pb_sv_task 780 800 say ~~Neglecting the rules will result in a kick/ban~~" pb_sv_MsgPrefix "^5PunkBuster Server" //[PB Message Prefix (default=^3PunkBuster Client)] pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)] pb_sv_MaxConDls 6 //[Concurrent downloads (default=1)] pb_sv_KickLen 1 //[Minutes (default=2)] pb_sv_CvarFreq 5 //[# of range checks per minute] pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_CvarWalk 4 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists] pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarUser (minutes)] pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 60 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarChanged (minutes)] pb_sv_CQC 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 1000 //[High screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots] pb_sv_SsWidth 1024 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsHeight 768 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsXpct 90 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsYpct 10 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsSrate 2 //[sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 3 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 300 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 600 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSs 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_ssLogging 3 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_ssTimeout 0 //[seconds] pb_sv_Sleep 100 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)] pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[Power Points] pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[Power Points] pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=5)] pb_sv_HttpPort 0 //[Port #] pb_sv_HttpAddr "" //[External IP Address] pb_sv_HttpRefresh 30 //[seconds] pb_sv_HttpKey "" //[Key] pb_sv_HttpMaps "" //[Map list (separate by spaces)] pb_sv_ScoreKick 0 //[Min score (negative)] pb_sv_ChangePeriod 900 //[seconds] pb_sv_ChangeMax 5 //[Max name changes allowed] pb_sv_DupNameGrace 1 //[seconds] pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_ExtChar 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_GuidRelax 0 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)] pb_sv_RconReload 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_HttpMapsPath "" //[Path where maps are loaded from in WebTool] pb_sv_HttpColText1 "FFFFFF" //[Text Color #1 in WebTool (default=FFFFFF)] pb_sv_HttpColText2 "0000FF" //[Text Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)] pb_sv_HttpColBack1 "000000" // pb_sv_HttpColBack2 "808080" // pb_sv_HttpColLine1 "FF0000" //[Line Color #1 in WebTool (default=FF0000)] pb_sv_HttpColLine2 "0000FF" //[Line Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)] pb_sv_HttpColMsg "FF0000" //[Message Color in WebTool (default=FF0000)] pb_sv_HttpShowGuid 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_Restrictions 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_FileWhitelist "" //[Folder Filename Filename ... Filename] pb_sv_EmptyName 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_LogFloor 1 //[Low log filename serial #] pb_sv_MinName 3 //[Min Characters in Player name (default=0)] pb_sv_MaxName 0 //[Max Characters in Player name (default=0)] pb_sv_LanMask "" //[iP Address Mask for LAN Players (default=)] pb_sv_Lan 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_UpdateGrace 2400 //[seconds to wait before Update Failure kick] pb_sv_NoGuidGrace 1 //[seconds to wait before No GUID kick] pb_sv_AliasFn "pbalias.dat" //[Filename (default="pbalias.dat")] pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_AliasMax 10 //[Max # of Aliases to track for each PB GUID] pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg //load remote logging settings (if pbsvlog.cfg exists) ;Badname List - pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text] ;Cvar Range List - pb_sv_cvar [cvar_name] [type] [value(s)] pb_sv_cvarempty pb_sv_cvar "cl_punkbuster" IN 1 1 ;PB UCON Settings / Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_ucontimeout 90 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbanshub" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconignoreempty let me know if you see any error.
  9. admin pb_sv_restart i did that..it restarted..and still no rules.
  10. Okay...thanks:)
  11. okay.. i will take them out then:).. If that doesnt work.Is there any other way i can add rules?
  12. so type in admin pb_sv_restart ?
  13. Americas army And after restart..this should just load up right?
  14. Hello..i installed the server rules.. in the pbsv.cfg pb_sv_task 60 600 say "~~We are recruiting! www.AlliedTacticalForces.com~~" pb_sv_task 120 600 say "~~Banned unfairly? Appeal at our forums~~" pb_sv_task 180 600 say "~~This is a NO OBJ server!!~~" pb_sv_task 240 600 say "~~NO intentional TKing~~" pb_sv_task 300 600 say "~~No racism or sexism!!~~" pb_sv_task 360 600 say "~~NO hacks or cheats!~~" pb_sv_task 420 600 say "~~Medics do your job or prepare to get TKed~~" pb_sv_task 540 600 say "~~Pillar leaning and bunny hopping IS allowed~~" pb_sv_task 660 600 say "~~We kick for fun, so don't piss the admins off~~" pb_sv_task 780 600 say "~~Neglecting the rules will result in a kick/ban~~" i installed them at the top. But it doesnt scroll .
  15. No its not the same:'( i still need help with it
  16. Hello,how do i "activate" autoban onto my server? I read the "read me" file.I did what it said to do..I restarted the server and it didnt say "Be advised that this server is protected by autoban" CAn anyone help?
  17. game is Americas aRmy.
  18. Hi... i read the HOW to set up the streaming thing,but i did not understand can someone help me?
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