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xs DeathFairy

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Everything posted by xs DeathFairy

  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, thank god and welcome back.
  2. Four pages of jokes on our forums, this section is accessible to guests. There are a bunch of good ones there and a way to kill some time. The link takes you straight to joke page so no need to register or anything. http://www.xxxtremegamers.ca/forum/index.php/board,49.0.html
  3. I have a question regarding vista and screen shots. I have player who gets black screen shots, but twice I got these http://www.eclipsecustomjewelry.com/heathe...SS/pb000208.png If it is truely a vista issue wouldnt it be black all the time and not return any other screenshot than black? Just wondering. Thanks for any info, and sorry if I am not allowed to post screen shots.
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