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Everything posted by LaserSights

  1. Yes that is the complete config. Thanks for the help, my server is streaming.
  2. Pbs.cfg file has the following in it. pb_sv_USessionLimit 8 pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1-2 pbbanshub pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1-3 pbbanshub pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update
  3. I ran the HUB already and I did it again and it says "ERROR - InvalidPasswordHash". What does that mean? I put in all the correct info. Also you said my server never streamed because it is not setup to stream. Duh, that is why I think it is something in tech support end that is preventing my server from streaming. I have all the correct info in my pbucon.use and pbsv.cfg files. My server is able to stream to GGC with no problem and the GGC setup is almost exactly the same as PBBans streaming setup.
  4. Can a PBBans tech support check on my server from the PBBans end please? Server is setup with the correct info, it is not streaming yet. Account ID - 4500 Server Name - [[G]] Ghost Tankers Match Server Server I.P. -
  5. Thanks, it's fixed. I'm streaming again.
  6. I had my server streaming with no problems until today. I did nothing on my end to stop it from streaming. Can somebody check on my server from PBBans support end and tell me what the situation is. It might be a problem from my game server support end.
  7. Sounds good. I just put back up my free website for Ghost Tankers at spruz.com. Hillhopper guided me to that site back when we were competing in TWL 2v2 armor ladder. I haven't been online since February 2011 and just recently getting back into server admin and gaming. Since I been gone my free website went down but I got it back up again and will be using it to submit a reactivation account ticket using the free website. Can't wait to start streaming again. You will find my contact info (TS3 address, Xfire, E-mail) at the free website also.
  8. It would be nice if PBBans went a more technical route with partnering up with gameserver hosts rather than put the heat on gamers just trying to support the anti-cheat community by streaming their servers through every anti-cheat service there is. PsB and GGC understand this and I like their consideration. PBBans I will always want my servers streaming here but I can't take the little stuff that prevent me from streaming here like create an entire clan just to go out my way of gaming to come back in my way of gaming to stream my competition servers with PBBans. Just to be clear, I like the general effort of minimizing cheaters but I think it should go through a more technical route as I said, rather than put the heat on little simple things like make a forum you don't even have admin rights to.
  9. I been streaming here for years too and I never had a problem activating or reactivating my account. Instead of simply reactivating my account since I been here for years and had no problem with cheats I get the PBBans law stamped on my post. As I said I am with the anti-cheat effort all gamers put up against cheaters. I been pc gaming online for 11 years and I never stat-padded of the least and never ever cheated. You don't have to explain how important it is for strict anti-cheat procedures. I just want to know exactly how your procedure stops cheaters or hackers because as you said if a cheater or hacker is able to cheat or breach your system then your procedures are useless (never the less I streamed here for years). You say just because a hacker may be powerful enough to breach your system that doesn't mean you should leave the doors open with a red carpet (you said this in other words). I'm not saying open the doors with a red carpet, I'm saying you have loyal anti-cheat supporters and you have idiot hackers. Hackers do what they do and loyal gamers move on to safer gaming grounds like anti-cheat streaming. If a hacker is going to hack and breach your system then it is what it is and it will be done no matter what and having the contact information of streaming admins and their members on a clan website is your least troubles. You want streaming admins to basicly have a home website and a entire clan roster setup just to join a 1v1 or 2v2 ladder or tournament that requires streaming here. Put aside the technical stuff the average gamer knows and surely you realize it's not likely all gamers have what it takes to start up their own clan. I been around many clans during my 11 years and I not with them now for reasons that is another reason you can't always have a clan. All you got is your pc and gameserver host. If everybody started their own clan to assure a account here at PBBans for streaming we wouldn't have enough players to join a clan because they would have their own clan. Just to confirm Hillhopper is my old TWL 2v2 armor ladder partner and I was the streaming admin keeping our match server streaming to PBBans and PsB. I didn't just put together a quick roster on a free website just to stream here. As you know TWL 2v2 ladders had a small roster and that would be the few members on my roster. But that wouldn't be good enough today. Just to be clear I am not trying to confuse or be against PBBans. I just think streaming here should be somehow powerful enough to stop cheaters and hackers but at the same time userfriendly and easy for any gamer to support the anti-cheat community by setting up their servers to stream here at PBBans.
  10. I think gaming websites that support gamers with their leagues and ladders are appreciated. I agree the anti-cheat cause is serious to the true gamers especially during competition with cash prizes or simply putting money on a match like for example Fragged Nation allows money to be put on matches in their "Prove It" section. FN also allows match creators to choose requirements for the match and is not strict on applying for competition or using strict anti-cheat streaming like PBBans. I agree the problem of cheating should be taken seriously but I don't agree on how PBBans goes about looking into cheaters. I seriously don't see what a clan website, roster and how a clan or team organizes itself has to do with game servers when they are entirely different data bases and servers are dedicated and not connected to websites. I think there should be strict procedures when handling cheaters but I think it should not interfere with anything else other than a players gaming as far as playing fair or cheating. You talk about quality before quantity, I think this affects the quality of service for gamers serious about supporting the anti-cheat cause. Why else would they be here if they were not serious. I guess Punkbuster.com will be good enough for me since you guys here at PBBans are going to lay down the law and keep my server inactive until I create a entire clan just to stream my competition server on behalf of supporting anti-cheat. If you decide to bend the rules I am always glad to stream here at PBBans. P.S. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?app=tickets&showticket=101&st=0&gopid=446&&do=findComment&comment=446
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