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Everything posted by PC_Spar2

  1. Our server is streaming or so I am informed by clan forge but I am getting no bans showing since Novemeber or any notification of any new bans occuring. How do I check this
  2. I will do it then......but where abouts is it?
  3. We are steaming to PB Bans and it says its active but we had to manually remove this player http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-387bafab-vb112065.html How is managing to avoid the system?
  4. We have a total of 3 servers. One on a seperate server provider to the others, is it possible to stream to both on the same account here.
  5. Is it possible to stream 2 accounts from one account?
  6. Thanks for your help. Can you confirm that you are receiving our monthly donations?
  7. I know, but can an admin inform me as if our server is streaming properley.... We are very grateful to PB bans and have made our donation to you a monthly part of our out goings..but I aint a techie so some help would be appreciated
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