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Everything posted by hektik

  1. Just thought I'd state that in no part of what I said could you find something that could be whining.
  2. Then out of the goodness of you heart can you get me off? I didn't do anything, and if I did I would LOVVEEEE something to prove it. I am running no programs except Call of Duty 2 and I'm still getting kicked for AIMBOT. wtfm8?
  3. Yeah, for what. Buncha money whores making me go out to buy a new game? I wasn't cheating, I've been legit since CoD1 1.1. Plus this was for a private hack company. Who in the right mind would spend money on a cheat for a video game. My God.
  4. YEAH GOOD JOB. I was running Xfire, Steam, mIRC and CoD2 and I got 50104'd. There goes my key I've had since the beginning of the game guys.
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