It was good in some ways but bad in others, their decision to go with MTs and crate drops was not welcomed at all, then you have the addition of PvP, what? KF has never been about PvP and I believe it's still currently dead and has been since it was added.
Add to that some of the weapons, commando for example which is my fav perk, the weapons are so similar. When you compare it to KF1, pick up an AK or a SCAR and the feedback from the weapon is perfect, you know exactly what weapon you're using, I didn't get the same feedback from KF2.
The weapons also feel very weak and sound terrible, like airsoft weapons.
The new zed abilities are very good, able to run, dodge and block but the player can also block and run away from everything, I believe every perk in the game can outrun any zed, where's the threat if that's possible? You can even block or parry a Fleshpound, the most dangerous zed in the game besides the bosses :o
I've seen FPs wipe a whole team in seconds in KF1, now you just run away :P