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Everything posted by theflashcod4

  1. merci pour ce petit tuto J ai mis en place ta map rotation est l
  2. Dsl pour le retard POur commencer j' ai refait une CFG Server.cfg //****************************************************************************** // Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Dedicated Server Config File //****************************************************************************** //================================================================================ = // Server Information //================================================================================ = sets sv_hostname "^1E^7lement ^1H^7ardcore ^1T^7D^1M ^5/^7/^1/" sets _Admin "Kikoo & Roxxor" sets _Email "" sets _Website "" sets _Location "france" sets _Irc "" sets _Mod "" sets _ModVer "" sets _ModUpdate "" sets _Maps "" set scr_motd "" //================================================================================ = // General Settings //================================================================================ = // Log Settings set g_logsync "2" // 0=no log, 1=buffered, 2=continuous, 3=append set logfile "1" // 0 = NO log, 1 = log file enabled set g_log "games_mp.log" // Name of log file, default is games_mp.log set sv_log_damage "1" // Network options //set net_ip "" // Set your servers IP address set net_port "28960" // Set your port number set com_hunkMegs "512" set net_noipx "1" // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server communications // Server Network Mode set dedicated "2" // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet // Master servers set sv_master1 "cod4master.activision.com" set sv_master2 "cod4authorize.activision.com" set sv_master3 "cod4master.infinityward.com" set sv_master3 "cod4update.activision.com" set sv_master4 "master.gamespy.com:28960" set sv_master5 "master0.gamespy.com" set sv_master6 "master1.gamespy.com" set sv_master7 "clanservers.net" set sv_gamespy "1" // Password Settings set rcon_password "" // RCON must supply pw to use set sv_privatePassword "" // Private slots, non-public slots set g_password "" //Server password // Player slots setup set sv_maxclients "24" // MAX server player slots, this is TOTAL player slots set sv_privateclients "" // Number of private player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots // Ping set sv_minPing "0" // MIN player ping on CONNECT, any lower and player isnt allowed to connect set sv_maxping "500" // MAX player ping on CONNECT, any higher and player isnt allowed to connect // Client Download Settings (0=off/1=on) set sv_allowdownload "0" seta sv_wwwDownload "0" //seta sv_wwwBaseURL "" seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // Rate set sv_maxRate "25000" // FPS //set sv_fps "20" // Drop inactive players set sv_timeout "300" set sv_zombietime "1" set g_inactivity "0" set g_inactivityspectator "0" // AntiFlooding Settings set sv_floodProtect "1" set sv_reconnectlimit "3" // Anti Cheat Settings set sv_disableClientConsole "0" set cl_autocmd "0" set sv_cheats "0" set sv_pure "1" set g_banIPs "" set g_no_script_spam "1" set sv_punkbuster "1" // Temporary Ban duration, in seconds set sv_kickBanTime "3600" // In-game voice communication system set sv_voice "0" set sv_voiceQuality "1" set voice_deadChat "0" set voice_global "0" set voice_localEcho "0" set winvoice_mic_mute "1" // Team-Balance and Voting set scr_teambalance "1" set g_allowvote "0" //================================================================================ = // Other Gameplay Settings //================================================================================ = // General set scr_game_allowkillcam 1 set scr_game_onlyheadshots 0 set scr_game_deathpointloss 0 set scr_game_suicidepointloss 0 set scr_team_teamkillpointloss 0 set scr_game_spectatetype 1 // (0-2) Disabled, Team/Players Only, Free set scr_game_forceuav 0 set scr_game_hardpoints 1 // (0-1) i.e. artillery, uav, helicopter // Hardpoints set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery 1 set scr_hardpoint_allowuav 1 set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter 1 // Teams set scr_team_fftype 0 // (0-3) Disabled, Enabled, Reflect, Shared set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay 0 set scr_team_kickteamkillers 3 // Player set scr_player_maxhealth 100 set scr_player_suicidespawndelay 0 set scr_player_healthregentime 5 set scr_player_forcerespawn 1 set scr_player_sprinttime 4 // UI set scr_hardcore 1 set scr_oldschool_mw 0 set ui_hud_obituaries 1 set ui_hud_showobjicons 1 //================================================================================ = // Other Settings //================================================================================ = set sv_allowAnonymous "0" set g_antilag "1" set g_compassShowEnemies "0" //ui_maxclients 32 //================================================================================ = // Gametype Settings //================================================================================ = // First gametype to load... // "dm" - free for all deathmatch // "dom" - domination // "koth" - headquarters // "sab" - sabotage // "sd" - search & destroy // "war" - team deathmatch set g_gametype "war" // MAPROTATION set sv_mapRotationCurrent "gametype war map mp_backlot gametype war map mp_killhouse gametype war map mp_bloc gametype war map mp_bog gametype war map mp_broadcast gametype war map mp_cargoship gametype war map mp_citystreets gametype war map mp_chinatown gametype war map mp_convoy gametype war map mp_countdown gametype war map mp_crash gametype war map mp_crossfire gametype war map mp_farm gametype war map mp_overgrown gametype war map mp_pipeline gametype war map mp_shipment gametype war map mp_showdown gametype war map mp_strike gametype war map mp_creek gametype war map mp_vacant" set sv_mapRotation "gametype war map mp_backlot gametype war map mp_killhouse gametype war map mp_bloc gametype war map mp_bog gametype war map mp_broadcast gametype war map mp_cargoship gametype war map mp_citystreets gametype war map mp_chinatown gametype war map mp_convoy gametype war map mp_countdown gametype war map mp_crash gametype war map mp_crossfire gametype war map mp_farm gametype war map mp_overgrown gametype war map mp_pipeline gametype war map mp_shipment gametype war map mp_showdown gametype war map mp_strike gametype war map mp_creek gametype war map mp_vacant" // Deathmatch set scr_dm_scorelimit 150 set scr_dm_timelimit 10 set scr_dm_roundlimit 1 set scr_dm_numlives 0 set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay 0 set scr_dm_waverespawndelay 0 // Domination set scr_dom_scorelimit 200 set scr_dom_timelimit 0 set scr_dom_roundlimit 1 set scr_dom_numlives 0 set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay 0 set scr_dom_waverespawndelay 0 // Teamdeath Match set scr_war_scorelimit 2500 set scr_war_timelimit 25 set scr_war_roundlimit 1 set scr_war_numlives 0 set scr_war_playerrespawndelay 1 set scr_war_waverespawndelay 0 // Sabotoge set scr_sab_scorelimit 1 set scr_sab_timelimit 20 set scr_sab_roundlimit 0 set scr_sab_roundswitch 1 set scr_sab_numlives 0 set scr_sab_bombtimer 30 set scr_sab_planttime 2.5 set scr_sab_defusetime 5 set scr_sab_hotpotato 0 set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay 0 set scr_sab_waverespawndelay 0 // King of the Hill set scr_koth_scorelimit 250 set scr_koth_timelimit 15 set scr_koth_roundlimit 1 set scr_koth_roundswitch 1 set scr_koth_numlives 0 set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay 0 set scr_koth_waverespawndelay 0 set koth_autodestroytime 60 set koth_spawntime 0 set koth_kothmode 0 set koth_capturetime 20 set koth_destroytime 10 set koth_delayPlayer 0 set koth_spawnDelay 0 // The following class/perk-settings might not be needed in the default-config! //================================================================================ = // Class/Perk Settings //================================================================================ = // limits the number of players that can choose each class type set class_assault_limit 99 set class_specops_limit 99 set class_heavygunner_limit 99 set class_demolitions_limit 99 set class_sniper_limit 99 // perks set perk_allow_specialty_parabolic 1 set perk_allow_specialty_gpsjammer 1 set perk_allow_specialty_holdbreath 1 set perk_allow_specialty_quieter 1 set perk_allow_specialty_longersprint 1 set perk_allow_specialty_detectexplosive 1 set perk_allow_specialty_explosivedamage 1 set perk_allow_specialty_pistoldeath 1 set perk_allow_specialty_grenadepulldeath 1 set perk_allow_specialty_bulletdamage 1 set perk_allow_specialty_bulletpenetration 1 set perk_allow_specialty_bulletaccuracy 1 set perk_allow_specialty_rof 1 set perk_allow_specialty_fastreload 1 set perk_allow_specialty_extraammo 1 set perk_allow_specialty_armorvest 1 set perk_allow_specialty_fraggrenade 1 set perk_allow_specialty_specialgrenade 1 set perk_allow_c4_mp 1 set perk_allow_claymore_mp 1 set perk_allow_rpg_mp 1 // assault class default loadout set class_assault_primary m16 set class_assault_primary_attachment gl set class_assault_secondary beretta set class_assault_secondary_attachment none set class_assault_perk1 specialty_null set class_assault_perk2 specialty_bulletdamage set class_assault_perk3 specialty_longersprint set class_assault_grenade concussion_grenade set class_assault_camo camo_none set class_assault_frags 1 set class_assault_special 1 // specops class default loadout set class_specops_primary mp5 set class_specops_primary_attachment none set class_specops_secondary usp set class_specops_secondary_attachment silencer set class_specops_perk1 c4_mp set class_specops_perk2 specialty_explosivedamage set class_specops_perk3 specialty_bulletaccuracy set class_specops_grenade flash_grenade set class_specops_camo camo_none set class_specops_frags 1 set class_specops_special 1 // heavygunner class default loadout set class_heavygunner_primary saw set class_heavygunner_primary_attachment none set class_heavygunner_secondary usp set class_heavygunner_secondary_attachment none set class_heavygunner_perk1 specialty_specialgrenade set class_heavygunner_perk2 specialty_armorvest set class_heavygunner_perk3 specialty_bulletpenetration set class_heavygunner_grenade concussion_grenade set class_heavygunner_camo camo_none set class_heavygunner_frags 1 set class_heavygunner_special 1 // demolitions class default loadout set class_demolitions_primary winchester1200 set class_demolitions_primary_attachment none set class_demolitions_secondary beretta set class_demolitions_secondary_attachment none set class_demolitions_perk1 rpg_mp set class_demolitions_perk2 specialty_explosivedamage set class_demolitions_perk3 specialty_longersprint set class_demolitions_grenade smoke_grenade set class_demolitions_camo camo_none set class_demolitions_frags 1 set class_demolitions_special 1 // sniper class default loadout set class_sniper_primary m40a3 set class_sniper_primary_attachment none set class_sniper_secondary beretta set class_sniper_secondary_attachment silencer set class_sniper_perk1 specialty_specialgrenade set class_sniper_perk2 specialty_bulletdamage set class_sniper_perk3 specialty_bulletpenetration set class_sniper_grenade flash_grenade set class_sniper_camo camo_none set class_sniper_frags 1 set class_sniper_special 1 set class_assault_movespeed 0.95 set class_specops_movespeed 1.00 set class_heavygunner_movespeed 0.875 set class_demolitions_movespeed 1.00 set class_sniper_movespeed 1.00 set scr_enable_nightvision 1 set scr_enable_music 1 set scr_enable_hiticon 1 //================================================================================ = // Execute other Config-Files //================================================================================ = // The following execute-command might not be needed in the default-config! exec cod4_weapons.cfg Weapons.cfg //****************************************************************************** // Enables Dropping of Specified Weapon Class //****************************************************************************** set class_assault_allowdrop 1 set class_specops_allowdrop 1 set class_heavygunner_allowdrop 1 set class_demolitions_allowdrop 1 set class_sniper_allowdrop 1 //****************************************************************************** // Assault Rifles //****************************************************************************** set weap_allow_m16 1 set weap_allow_ak47 1 set weap_allow_m4 1 set weap_allow_g3 1 set weap_allow_g36c 1 set weap_allow_m14 1 set weap_allow_mp44 1 //****************************************************************************** // Assault Attachments //****************************************************************************** set attach_allow_assault_none 1 set attach_allow_assault_gl 1 set attach_allow_assault_reflex 1 set attach_allow_assault_silencer 1 set attach_allow_assault_acog 1 //****************************************************************************** // SMG //****************************************************************************** set weap_allow_mp5 1 set weap_allow_skorpion 1 set weap_allow_uzi 1 set weap_allow_ak74u 1 set weap_allow_p90 1 //****************************************************************************** // SMG Attachments //****************************************************************************** set attach_allow_smg_none 1 set attach_allow_smg_reflex 1 set attach_allow_smg_silencer 1 set attach_allow_smg_acog 1 //****************************************************************************** // Shotguns //****************************************************************************** set weap_allow_m1014 1 set weap_allow_winchester1200 1 //****************************************************************************** // Shotgun Attachments //****************************************************************************** set attach_allow_shotgun_none 1 set attach_allow_shotgun_reflex 1 set attach_allow_shotgun_grip 1 //****************************************************************************** // LMG //****************************************************************************** set weap_allow_saw 1 set weap_allow_rpd 1 set weap_allow_m60e4 1 //****************************************************************************** // LMG Attachments //****************************************************************************** set attach_allow_lmg_none 1 set attach_allow_lmg_reflex 1 set attach_allow_lmg_grip 1 set attach_allow_lmg_acog 1 //****************************************************************************** // Sniper Rifles //****************************************************************************** set weap_allow_dragunov 1 set weap_allow_m40a3 1 set weap_allow_barrett 1 set weap_allow_remington700 1 set weap_allow_m21 1 //****************************************************************************** // Sniper Attachments //****************************************************************************** set attach_allow_sniper_none 1 set attach_allow_sniper_acog 1 //****************************************************************************** // Pistols //****************************************************************************** set weap_allow_beretta 1 set weap_allow_colt45 1 set weap_allow_usp 1 set weap_allow_deserteagle 1 set weap_allow_deserteaglegold 1 //****************************************************************************** // Pistol Attachments //****************************************************************************** set attach_allow_pistol_none 1 set attach_allow_pistol_silencer 1 //****************************************************************************** // Grenades //****************************************************************************** set weap_allow_frag_grenade 1 set weap_allow_concussion_grenade 1 set weap_allow_flash_grenade 1 set weap_allow_smoke_grenade 1
  3. pas besoin de la cfg c est la rotation //****************************************************************************** // First gametype to load // "dm" - free for all deathmatch // "dom" - domination // "koth" - headquarters // "sab" - sabotage // "sd" - search & destroy // "war" - team deathmatch //****************************************************************************** set g_gametype "war" //****************************************************************************** // DM -- FREE FOR ALL DEATHMATCH //****************************************************************************** //set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_backlot gametype dm map mp_bloc gametype dm map mp_bog gametype dm map mp_cargoship gametype dm map mp_citystreets gametype dm map mp_convoy gametype dm map mp_countdown gametype dm map mp_crash gametype dm map mp_crossfire gametype dm map mp_farm gametype dm map mp_overgrown gametype dm map mp_pipeline gametype dm map mp_shipment gametype dm map mp_showdown gametype dm map mp_strike gametype dm map mp_vacant" //****************************************************************************** // DOM -- DOMINATION //****************************************************************************** //set sv_mapRotation "gametype dom map mp_backlot gametype dom map mp_bloc gametype dom map mp_bog gametype dom map mp_cargoship gametype dom map mp_citystreets gametype dom map mp_convoy gametype dom map mp_countdown gametype dom map mp_crash gametype dom map mp_crossfire gametype dom map mp_farm gametype dom map mp_overgrown gametype dom map mp_pipeline gametype dom map mp_shipment gametype dom map mp_showdown gametype dom map mp_strike gametype dom map mp_vacant" //****************************************************************************** // KOTH -- HEADQUARTERS //****************************************************************************** //set sv_mapRotation "gametype koth map mp_backlot gametype koth map mp_bloc gametype koth map mp_bog gametype koth map mp_cargoship gametype koth map mp_citystreets gametype koth map mp_convoy gametype koth map mp_countdown gametype koth map mp_crash gametype koth map mp_crossfire gametype koth map mp_farm gametype koth map mp_overgrown gametype koth map mp_pipeline gametype koth map mp_shipment gametype koth map mp_showdown gametype koth map mp_strike gametype koth map mp_vacant" //****************************************************************************** // SAB -- SABOTAGE //****************************************************************************** //set sv_mapRotation "gametype sab map mp_backlot gametype sab map mp_bloc gametype sab map mp_bog gametype sab map mp_cargoship gametype sab map mp_citystreets gametype sab map mp_convoy gametype sab map mp_countdown gametype sab map mp_crash gametype sab map mp_crossfire gametype sab map mp_farm gametype sab map mp_overgrown gametype sab map mp_pipeline gametype sab map mp_shipment gametype sab map mp_showdown gametype sab map mp_strike gametype sab map mp_vacant" //****************************************************************************** // SD -- SEARCH & DESTROY //****************************************************************************** //set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_backlot gametype sd map mp_bloc gametype sd map mp_bog gametype sd map mp_cargoship gametype sd map mp_citystreets gametype sd map mp_convoy gametype sd map mp_countdown gametype sd map mp_crash gametype sd map mp_crossfire gametype sd map mp_farm gametype sd map mp_overgrown gametype sd map mp_pipeline gametype sd map mp_shipment gametype sd map mp_showdown gametype sd map mp_strike gametype sd map mp_vacant gametype sd map mp_killhouse gametype sd map mp_broadcast gametype sd map mp_chinatown gametype sd map_creek" //****************************************************************************** // WAR -- TEAM DEATH MATCH //****************************************************************************** set sv_mapRotation "gametype war map mp_backlot gametype war map mp_bloc gametype war map mp_bog gametype war map mp_cargoship gametype war map mp_citystreets gametype war map mp_convoy gametype war map mp_countdown gametype war map mp_crash gametype war map mp_crossfire gametype war map mp_farm gametype war map mp_overgrown gametype war map mp_pipeline gametype war map mp_shipment gametype war map mp_showdown gametype war map mp_strike gametype war map mp_vacant gametype war map mp_killhouse gametype war map mp_broadcast gametype war map mp_chinatown gametype war map_creek"
  4. Amis du soir Bonsoir ; Je ne sais pas si je peux postersa ici mais je me Lance ;) Depuis que j' ai mis en place mon serveur Call of Duty 4, j' ai un probl
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