Someone just linked me to this thread and I'm glad I found it. There are a few things I need to clarify here. First of all, this HAS been approved by Evenbalance/Punkbuster. When I first released this to the public, one of my friends recieved a full PB ban. I immediately contacted Punkbuster, got the application approved and had my friend's ban revoked. I talked directly Stuart Dunsmore from the development team of Punkbuster. I've included the logs from our emails at the bottom of this post. The compiled version of HitFixer 1.31 was the last version that was approved by Punkbuster, and I am currently waiting to hear back about version 1.41. You will NOT get a kick or ban for using HitFixer 1.31.
HitFixer is the post on Saturday 05.17.2008 [2:00PM]
Someone stated earlier that editing the hit regs commands is against EA's ROE and is an unfair advantage. I couldn't disagree more. When everyone has the stock/standard hit reg settings, only the users with a certain ping will get good hit reg. Everyone else who doesn't have a ping that coincides with the stock hit reg settings will have bad hit reg. The players that have the right ping in relation to the stock settings get good hit reg, everyone else doesn't. So rather than having editing your hit reg being an unfair advantage, I see it as REMOVING an unfair disadvantage that the bad ping players have.
All HitFixer does is type a few simple, but long, console commands for you. Would EA have included console commands that the user should not type and are a hack/unethical? I find that highly unlikely. Changing these settings for improved hit reg and making the game play the way it should play, with no dust, seems smart. Again, all this app does is type long lines into the console, and does the math for you on what numbers you should actually use for these settings. I used to type those 3 long console commands everytime I joined a new server, and eventually got tired of it, which is why I made this application. The alternative which was mentioned is to alt-tab out, quickly do the math on the right numbers, copy it from notepad and paste it into the console three times. That would probably take maybe 20 seconds? Or you could just use HitFixer, which takes about 3 seconds to do.
In regards to admins checking and kicking for a modified usersettings.con file, I find that highly illogical. These settings can be changed in-game via the console, which is how HitFixer does it. Should admins also kick people for having a modified Controls.con file because they remapped their keys from the in-game options menu?
Lastly, I'm not even sure who this Delusion guy is. He posted a few times on the HitFixer thread, then one day took the code, changed it slightly and posted it as his own. I didn't really see the point in what he did, since he hardly changed anything, but just rebranded it as his own. He also did not contact Punkbuster about getting approval, which got some of his users kicked and banned for using his version.
It would be sad if Autohotkey were completely banned, as I use it for many Windows functions. If banning AHK does stop macro users and actual hackers, then I think they should do it. I would then have to learn and rewrite HitFixer in another language, but it would be worth it if it stopped macro users. For people who think AutoHotkey is only for game macros, here are a few Windows scripts that I always have running in the background. I can hold ScollLock and press the left or right arrow keys on my keyboard to change to the previous/next song in Winamp. I use ScrollLock and the mousewheel to change my Winamp volume indepedently of my sytem volume. I can hold the alt key and click in any window to move/resize the window without having to click in the strip at the top (same feature that is included with Linux). Lastly, I use a script which allows me to type with one hand (about 50 wpm), which I could not live without. I have had these scripts closed for the last week since Punkbuster has been much strickter on AHK, and I do not want to risk a ban.