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Everything posted by xXDom

  1. I'd like to thank your senior admins and yourself Grenadier for taking the time to look deeper than the surface on this. It is much appreciated and I am relieved to see TNT is a step above most. Thanks again, -xXDom
  2. Thanks for the prompt and concise reply, I appreciate it.
  3. Prefix: (*'-') Player name: I<3TURTLES Search Contents: (*'-') I<3TURTLES Game: Battlefield 2 When doing a public query on this alias, including the prefix, via the MPI, it returns 11 caught GUID's and 186 clean GUID's, which is an obvious false positive due a variable somewhere in the search string. However, due to the lack of experience from the admin I am dealing with they fail to see this. They also have banned me due to this, despite it saying clearly at the top: "Alias searches alone should not be used to determine if a player is cheating as players may be the victim of name-spoofing. GUID searches are the most reliable method." I have provided them with my GUID, as well as a screenshot of that clean GUID being the only link to this account, yet they're still touting the false positives as fact. I'm simply looking for confirmation on my assumptions that due to characters in the prefix and search string, that it is indeed searching for a variable and returning false positives. Thanks, -xXDom
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