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About bmlbytes

  • Birthday 12/23/1990

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    Gaming (PC & Wii)<br />Snowboarding<br />Computer Programming<br />The Internet (I am addicted to it)
  • Location
    St. Cloud, MN, USA

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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
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  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. I have my "fire" bound to the left mouse button and the scroll wheel down. When I use the pistol I use the scroll wheel. This is not an offense to PB or PBBans as far as I know. The only time I have ever had trouble with it, was when I had my server streaming to the Airdale Ops Network.
  2. I used to stream to the Airdale Ops Network, and I am pretty sure the mousewheel thing is only a temp ban. In CoD4 the mousewheel is just a control setting. It is not a hack or anything. The Airdale Ops Network allow their streamers to temp ban for the mousewheel. You should be able to play on another AON server if you turn off the mousewheel bind. As far as your clan goes, you can try to explain the situation to them, that is all you can do. The problem that there is here, is that there is no way to say for sure that you are not the person who got the GUID banned on the PBBans network originally. Explain to your clan that the aliases mean nothing and that they should go based on the GUID and not the Alias. If I was a cheater, and I didn't like you, I could just change my name to yours and go on a PBBans server. Don't worry about the aliases. If a clan doesn't let you in because of that, then they don't trust you and it might be better to not be in that clan. Good Luck!
  3. Case. Area 51 PSU. 750 Watts Board. ASUS M2N-SLI Deluxe CPU. AMD Phenom x4 9500 Overclocked to 2.45GHz CPU Cooler. Bianca Liquid Cooler Ram. WINTEC AMPX 4GB Video Cards. 2 EVGA 9600GT cards in SLI Sound Card. SoundMax High Definition 7.1 Surround Sound Audio HDD. Seagate 160GB 7200 SATA and Western Digital 80GB 7200 IDE OS. Dual Boot Windows XP Professional and Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Oh and Jam (the person above me). 1st, nice processor XD and 2nd why do you need 240GB in a TeamSpeak server? I would put that 200GB hard drive in your main and give yourself more space.
  4. Yeah, sorry about that The first one I posted something I didnt want to happen The second one I realized BlueRad wouldn't be able to see so I made the third.
  5. When I try to add a member to my clan I get this error message ERROR: User already exists in account system Is there any way I can add BlueRad (128444) to my team? Thanks
  6. Thanks fozzer
  7. They started streaming a few hours ago. If it takes a little bit, then that is understandable. I'll check back in a few hours.
  8. I thought it would too, but they are streaming and as you can see, no SGA. Maybe I overwhelmed the system with too many servers at once :lol:
  9. After one of my servers has been down for a while, I registered about 5 servers. However, my status is still listed as Normal. I wouldn't usually be pushy about this kind of thing, but I use the Master Player Index to check new recruits to our clan. Without SGA access, I cannot use the MBi. If an admin could update my status, I would be very grateful. Thanks
  10. when i got it it looked like this http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...c=64562&hl= and went there too. In otherwords, it put the 3 dots in the address bar
  11. Not to insult EB but quite frankly, I think PunkBuster wouldn't be much without PBBans. Without the MBi PunkBuster is limited to just each local server (with the exception of a few global bans here and there). I too, say thank you for your service. It's nice to have a system that works, and is free. :scratchchin: Maybe I should donate lol
  12. Fozzer, the IP address is different from his original application. Mac, I think your going to need to explain who you rent your server from. The idea is that they don't want regular people hosting their own servers. Probably because it would completely mess up their database with all the IP addresses switching and the availability of them.
  13. A little while ago we (t3k) had PBBans running on our Call of Duty 4 server. After that one of our members found out he could not play on our server anymore. When I asked about this, unfortunately, the community made me a little angry with the way support was given. Mainly because this player was a trusted player and the community was saying that he was a cheater and that I was "harboring" cheaters in my clan. I have recently heard him confess to cheating. PBBans was very useful in assuring us that no cheaters were getting in (including our own friends). First off, I would like to apologize for my posts when I left PBBans. I was wrong about the topic and I got a little angry. The person in the topic is no longer an issue. I would link to the thread, but it is in the server admins area, and I removed our CoD4 server from PBBans. Secondly, since PBBans did its job, I would like to reapply our CoD4 server, and apply to have our BF2142 server streaming. However, the apply button does not allow me to apply again. It says "Error: You have already applied for admin status.". If there is any way our clan can rejoin PBBans, we would be very grateful. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer, bmlbytes and the rest of the -t3k- Clan
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