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About =DB=Snake

  • Birthday 02/08/1991

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Hosting Services GSP! Webhosting & Webdesign
  • Location
    UK - S Yorkshire

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  • Game Played
    Call of Duty 4
  • Are you a Server Admin?
  • Wish to Stream to PBBans?

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  1. Dunnno what everyone is so worked up about i was asking not like im a mind reader of PBBans i dont know ur co located or why you had to pay $600.. But now i do ;) so Eviljohn can stfu Donation on behalf of =DB= clan will be sent next week when i get payed. Thanks for the awesome service.
  2. No just querying cos i run my own server company on a co location with alpha-networks i run Intel Q6600 - Quad Core Intel Quad Core Machines Specs Below: Intel Quad Core 4 x 2.4Ghz 8MB L2 Cache 32 and 64bit OS's Ram 4096MB (PC6400 - DDR2) Disk 400GB (SATA2, 7200 RPM, 16MB Cache) Bandwith 6MB/s (2000 GB PCM) (100MB/S XFER) Price
  3. Above post wasnt ment to be horrid just a wake up call for ya really cos i dont wanna see The best Streaming Services go down the drain cos there literally throwing money away :'( I just wanna save them money and make everyone else happy then ill be happy to donate :D
  4. like i said $600 for two HDD, my 3 Sata HDD cost only $250 2x 500 GB n 1x250GB ur been ripped off tbh n i reckon you should order better servers for less from elsewhere because it sounds to me someone got the wool over your eyes. You even admitted to skimping on SCSI HDD's and stayin SATA so i cant see why you paid $600 :( when you can pay like $350 for a perfectly good quad core server with 4GB DDRII RAM and 250GB HDD with a fair amount of bandwidth (Unmetered or 2000GB PCM: Fair Usage Policy Applies.) so whose the numnuts that cant calculate?? I wanna help but i wont do anything till someone stops wasting public (Donation) money.
  5. The question is wouldnt SCSI be out of you budget now better servers would be an idea im sure as your well known aswell youd get sponsored by a server company try somone like dedifrag or my dedi host alpha-networks for sure would ;) tbh ul never know till you try but your guys background you deserve to be sponsored.
  6. is it still down as myne are not streaming and havent done so for 20+ hours :S :S hope its fixed soon Thx for the awesome service fellas :D
  7. You could also Try Tatakai Server Scan this has embedded console messages that you can preset yourself and also a great auto kick enforcement command for pings i enabled myne to kick any pings over 200 & to warn them twice before doing so. I really reccomend every admin to use this program http://software.tatakai.co.uk/TSS.shtml
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