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About MovedGoalPosts

  • Birthday 05/20/1964

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    Surrey, UK

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    NTHW Gaming
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  1. Disturbingly there were a couple of UK cinemas doing a 24 hour screening of the film. Pay once and you could stay there all day with only tea served to keep you awake and 15 minute interval breaks
  2. A WWII infantry focused FPS trying to recreate the "classic" games of CoD 2, MoH, etc. It's currently a Kickstarter project but has met the initial funding goal so should proceed to full development. http://www.battaliongame.com/ I think this looks very interesting. Certainly the initial trailers and kickstarter bumf look quite polished. They want to get the FPS back to the basics of player skill stripping out all the perks boosts and other stuff that gives some .advantages over others. Anything you can add, by virtue of time served playing will only contibute perhaps to a score board or cosmetic changes such as uniform badges and logos on weapons. It's being developed in Unreal Engine 4 so they can make something that plays the way of old, but with a modern look. I hope it works out
  3. Ah - I'm a numpty. This is commonly referred to in my clan as "an MGP moment". That something won't work becuase I type something slighlty wriong, in this case one digit on th IP, and then spend hours trying to spot it. One day they will get themselves a proper admin. Thanks.
  4. I added a new BF4 server last weekend. It was set up using the streaming hub tool which didn't report errors. It's been added to my server list, and approved by PBBans admins. But it seems to have always been inactive. That is despite a couple of restarts. I can't see any log errors punkbuster which is active on the server. rcon port 47400 pbsv.cfg file is ;Auto Generated by PunkBuster Server ; Some of the following settings may not apply, ; consult manuals at evenbalance.com for full documentation pb_sv_MsgPrefix "PunkBuster Server" //[PB Message Prefix (default=^3PunkBuster Client)] pb_sv_MaxDlRate 4 //[KB/sec requested per file (default=4)] pb_sv_MaxConDls 3 //[Concurrent downloads (default=1)] pb_sv_KickLen 2 //[Minutes (default=2)] pb_sv_CvarFreq 6 //[# of range checks per minute] pb_sv_CvarLogging 1 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=Var Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_CvarWalk 1 //[0=disabled, 1-4=Walk through obtained Cvar lists] pb_sv_CvarUserPulse 99 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarUser (minutes)] pb_sv_CvarChangedPulse 99 //[Frequency to auto-send CvarChanged (minutes)] pb_sv_CQC 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_LogSync 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_SsFloor 1 //[Low screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCeiling 100 //[High screenshot filename serial #] pb_sv_SsCmd "" //[Filename of system command to run after screenshots] pb_sv_SsWidth 320 //[Requested pixel width of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsHeight 240 //[Requested pixel height of remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsXpct 50 //[Percentage across screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsYpct 50 //[Percentage down screen for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsSrate 1 //[Sample Rate for remote screenshots] pb_sv_SsDelay 0 //[Maximum delay client waits before capturing screenshot] pb_sv_SsPath "" //[Path where remote screenshots are saved] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom 60 //[Min # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSsTo 1200 //[Max # of seconds to wait before requesting next ss] pb_sv_AutoSs 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_ssLogging 0 //[1=Reg. Log, 2=SS Log, 3=Both, 0=Neither] pb_sv_ssTimeout 0 //[Seconds] pb_sv_Sleep 60 //[# of Milliseconds (default=60)] pb_sv_PowerMin 10 //[Power Points] pb_sv_PowerDef 1 //[Power Points] pb_sv_PowerKickLen 5 //[Minutes (default=5)] pb_sv_HttpPort 0 //[Port #] pb_sv_HttpAddr "" //[External IP Address] pb_sv_HttpRefresh 30 //[Seconds] pb_sv_HttpKey "" //[Key] pb_sv_HttpMaps "" //[Map list (separate by spaces)] pb_sv_ScoreKick 0 //[Min score (negative)] pb_sv_ChangePeriod 999 //[Seconds] pb_sv_ChangeMax 1 //[Max name changes allowed] pb_sv_DupNameGrace 0 //[Seconds] pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_ExtChar 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_GuidRelax 2 //[1=UNKN, 2=WRONGIP, 4=DUP (add desired values)] pb_sv_RconReload 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_HttpMapsPath "" //[Path where maps are loaded from in WebTool] pb_sv_HttpColText1 "FFFFFF" //[Text Color #1 in WebTool (default=FFFFFF)] pb_sv_HttpColText2 "0000FF" //[Text Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)] pb_sv_HttpColBack1 "000000" //[Background Color #1 in WebTool (default=000000)] pb_sv_HttpColBack2 "808080" //[Background Color #2 in WebTool (default=808080)] pb_sv_HttpColLine1 "FF0000" //[Line Color #1 in WebTool (default=FF0000)] pb_sv_HttpColLine2 "0000FF" //[Line Color #2 in WebTool (default=0000FF)] pb_sv_HttpColMsg "FF0000" //[Message Color in WebTool (default=FF0000)] pb_sv_HttpShowGuid 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_Restrictions 1 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=1)] pb_sv_FileWhitelist "" //[Folder Filename Filename ... Filename] pb_sv_EmptyName 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_LogFloor 1 //[Low log filename serial #] pb_sv_MinName 0 //[Min Characters in Player name (default=0)] pb_sv_MaxName 0 //[Max Characters in Player name (default=0)] pb_sv_LanMask "" //[IP Address Mask for LAN Players (default=)] pb_sv_Lan 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_UpdateGrace 600 //[Seconds to wait before Update Failure kick] pb_sv_NoGuidGrace 1 //[Seconds to wait before No GUID kick] pb_sv_AliasFn "" //[Filename (default="pbalias.dat")] pb_sv_AliasAutoLoad 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_AliasMax 0 //[Max # of Aliases to track for each PB GUID] pb_sv_AliasMaxEnforce 0 //[0=No, 1=Yes (default=0)] pb_sv_load pbsvlog.cfg //load remote logging settings (if pbsvlog.cfg exists) ;Badname List - pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text] ;Cvar Range List - pb_sv_cvar [cvar_name] [type] [value(s)] pb_sv_cvarempty ;PB UCON Settings / Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit 8 pb_sv_ucontimeout 300 pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate 16 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub3-1" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub3-2" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub3-3" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub3-4" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver I'd be grateful for any suggestions.
  5. Nice Effort. Moving hosting is always tedious and never undertaken lightly, but to get lowered costs yet faster systems, every cloud has a silver lining :)
  6. This sucks. Nothing more need be said :(
  7. For the little it will achieve, I'll add my voice here (as I have done elsewhere) to the disappointment that so many of the previous EA/DICE RSPs are apparently being culled. I doubt however that anyone is really listening to the customer. Ultimately the decisions have probably been made and set in stone. We don't yet know which providers we will be restricted to. The closest comment appearing to eminate from a DICE person on Battlelog has simply said there will be "plenty of providers". My suspicion is that unless the provider has presence in multiple data centres they don't meet the new criteria. In reality choice for server renters will be much more limited. I suspect that on paper EA save money by reducing the number of GSPs they deal with. Perhaps EA's backend servers could be more reliable with fewer datacentre locations? In the longterm customers loose out. Reduced competition means prices can rise. Less provider choice prevents us moving if your current one sucks. Smaller GSPs have frequently provided a more personal service, rather than the anonymous call centre approach of the larger organisation. That doesn't mean larger organisations aren't capable. Small doesn't mean underresourced. Indeed the smaller organisation can be more responsive. I wonder how many larger GSPs, from receipt of a ticket, would diagnose a PSU failure, and have the hard drive swapped into an identical machine so that our clans servers were back online within an hour? Smaller GPS often give better value. The smaller GSP can tailor their package, where there will be less flexibility with the larger provider. Renting a dedicated server box shouldn't be an issue. Providers like GD know they can't give us full access to the server, so everything is setup and run through a game control panel, and the GSP manages the stuff behind the scenes. No security problems there and provided the GSP doesn't allow to much to be installed on the properly specified dedi box, it performs at least as well as renting a single server on a shared box somewhere. Being forced to use a different GSP will cost our clan a lot more, or we will do a lot less, as we'd have the aggravation of transfering systems, and would have to pay for separated game servers, teamspeak, procon rcon layer hosts, and website. If this restricted provision of server providers is progress, it sucks.
  8. Well done to all at PBBans. What would we do without you?
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