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Everything posted by fabriciolourenco

  1. Bem Vindo PbBans :) .
  2. Welcome back PBbans
  3. Pelo que entendi,o mesmo j
  4. Como vc j
  5. +1 Screenshot Review Area If you are unsure about the PunkBuster screenshots you are submitting contain a cheat or not, please post them here for review before submitting via your team account. Here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showforum=117
  6. Para voce poder ter acesso,seu cl
  7. Link: http://www.pbbans.com/ My name is Enforcer and I am the owner of CheatBusted. Following a 2 year hiatus for personal reasons and after some thinking, I am excited to announce the relaunch of CheatBusted, just in time for Americas Army 3. With the relaunch,CheatBusted is bringing a new attitude,a better organization and many tools for the community and for the CheatBusted Private Server Admins(CB-PSA), including server checks(Cvars/MD5) and Background check. I would like to invite all Americas Army 3 server admins to join CheatBusted and make CheatBusted one of your reliable stops for server checks,ban lists and admin tools. We are looking forward to serving the Americas Army 3 community Thank you Meu nome
  8. Indexamento e Tradu
  9. Provavelmente n
  10. Pelo que li aqui vc tem que contatar o admin do PR,mas pelo que sei,se n
  11. PbBans aceita demos com provas: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=43222
  12. A key dele foi banida,quanto aos alias n
  13. Obrigado,adcionado como amigo,abra

  14. Add como amigo,nosso canal de comunica

  15. Obrigado pela visita :D,qualquer coisa ta adcionado aqui

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