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Everything posted by =XE=Death-GOA

  1. I have already recruited 2 people from my friends list....Woot!
  2. Do you not have a back up of that profile? I always tell my guys to back up their profiles in case of something like this. I do not think it will allow you to use another games profile in your game.
  3. This is the list in my COD4 servers. This is the most updated list from PsB. pb_sv_protecttag 1 =]aAd[= //[ Expires 2009-05-28 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 !-CNS-! //[ Expires 2009-05-29 ] pb_sv_protecttag 4 *uWs* //[ Expires 2009-06-02 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 *MoG* //[ Expires 2009-06-07 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 DME //[ Expires 2009-06-09 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 SWAT_ //[ Expires 2009-06-20 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =AIM= //[ Expires 2009-06-28 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [PIT] //[ Expires 2009-06-30 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =TR= //[ Expires 2009-07-04 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =TDS= //[ Expires 2009-07-13 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 {AWI} //[ Expires 2009-07-15 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [EFC] //[ Expires 2009-07-15 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 {R*K} //[ Expires 2009-07-26 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 -=TWG=- //[ Expires 2009-07-28 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 TF1 //[ Expires 2009-08-07 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 DA| //[ Expires 2009-08-13 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 ']['r3)(* //[ Expires 2009-09-01 ] pb_sv_protecttag 2 =v4v= //[ Expires 2009-09-11 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 :ESC: //[ Expires 2009-09-24 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [TBK] //[ Expires 2009-09-24 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 (:FB:) //[ Expires 2009-10-13 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 FINNSS //[ Expires 2009-10-13 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 U3 // [ Expires 2009-10-14 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =GiFr= //[ Expires 2009-10-27 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =AO= //[ Expires 2009-11-06 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 FcUK //[ Expires 2009-11-08 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 BOTA //[ Expires 2009-12-05 ] pb_sv_protecttag 2 [hwy] //[ Expires 2009-12-23 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 izdd* //[ Expires 2009-12-26 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 |OCG| //[ Expires 2009-12-31 ] pb_sv_protecttag 2 =SK= //[ Expires 2010-01-01 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 <*CW*> //[ Expires 2010-01-02 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 .DvG //[ Expires 2010-01-07 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 :]v[: //[ Expires 2010-01-08 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 |SA| //[ Expires 2010-01-19 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 .pS //[ Expires 2010-01-27 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 UDZ //[ Expires 2010-01-29 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 101st //[ Expires 2010-02-01 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 HPH //[ Expires 2010-02-15 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 FAF //[ Expires 2010-02-19 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 FMF //[ Expires 2010-02-19 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 -oZ- //[ Expires 2010-02-20 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =GG= //[ Expires 2010-03-05 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =EAF= //[ Expires 2010-03-14 ] pb_sv_protecttag 2 -VD- //[ Expires 2010-03-22] pb_sv_protecttag 1 -=NaG=- //[ Expires 2009-04-01 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [MD] //[ Expires 2010-04-11 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [FUBAR //[ Expires 2010-04-15 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 =[BBFIN]= //[ Expires 2010-04-24 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 Team.skd # //[ Expires 2010-04-26 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [JW] //[ Expires 2010-04-27 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [RC] //[ Expires 2010-04-29 ] pb_sv_protecttag 2 =XE= //[Expires 2010-05-07] pb_sv_protecttag 3 =ERF= //[ Expires 2010-05-13 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 |RH| //[ Expires 2010-05-21 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 [IHS] //[ Expires 2010-09-17 ] pb_sv_protecttag 1 WFC //[ Expires 2011-02-18 ]
  4. Nice video and cool music. Hey you can also upload on my site for more gamers to view LiveFrag.com You will not get lost on this site like you do on youtube.
  5. Done and sent to all 61 of my friends on face book and featured the cause on my profile. added you as well. /O
  6. I agree with the rest of the guys in here. Never use such programs!! If it is not designed by the maker of the game, a part of the game or found here then never use it. There are servers out there that have the points set up on a higher level to rank up quicker, thats not cheating but imho still should avoid these types of servers too. Play the game and you will rank up, yes it will take time but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing you earned it!!
  7. Yep or if you do not have a Streaming Server Admin here yet then you guys need to decide on who the lead person is going to be have him/her apply here http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php and then that person can add who he/she deems worthy of being and admin here as well.
  8. he is right. When the server messages come up they are about midway in your screen not at the bottom. Never seen a message that low on a screen before.
  9. Yes sir I can help you out here. Inside your pb folder on your server add a file and call it "spam.cfg" and place this inside it the restart your server.(Obviously you will need to change the messages) Notice that the pb_sv_task is set up as 1 = 100 and so on. You do not have to use the same amount I have in my server. You can also add more by adding "pb_sv_task 7 700 say" Message and so on. // PsB Streaming Server Admin Configs for CoD4 v1.02 // // spam.cfg - PB tasks to send messages to server visitors and keep your server streaming // // PunksBusted: www.punksbusted.com // // PB server admin manual: http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/cod-ad/index.htm // PB player manual: http://www.evenbalance.com/publications/cod-pl/index.htm // Reloads the ban list hourly, useful if you're using Auto-MBL pb_sv_task 60 3600 pb_sv_load reloadbans.cfg //streaming should never stop with that task pb_sv_task 1 86400 pb_sv_ver //Broadcast your config version every 15 minutes pb_sv_task 1 100 say XTREMEEAGLES.NET We are Recruiting wait 30 pb_sv_task 2 200 say Join Ventrilo for a Better Gaming Experience wait 30 pb_sv_task 3 300 say Vent IP port 8397 wait 30 pb_sv_task 4 400 say Our Servers BAN for Blank PB Screenshots wait 30 pb_sv_task 5 500 say Visit Forums to Fix Blank PB Screenshots wait 30 pb_sv_task 6 600 say Visit Our Other Server at // PB_SV_Task [X] [Y] [command] // Adds a task to PB's Task List; The Task will be executed X seconds after entry and // every Y seconds thereafter; use -1 for Y if a one-time task is desired Hope this helps you out sir. /O
  10. Merlin does this new update change the settings in my server that are already there? Meaning do my members have to re-register their names? Also I did not realize until after I hit send payment that our tags were already registered. I payed again for 1 year, can this be added to the existing account? It is set to expire 2009/08/09
  11. Are you getting this message in all servers that you try and go into? If not then you are probably on the ban list of that server. Try contacting an admin from the server and ask him to release the ban. Hope this helps.
  12. I still do not see a link to your site. My forums are viewable by all but no one can post without registering. I suggest maybe doing that. Your team members list has to be viewable by admins in order for your server to become streaming. If you are running PHbb or Nuke this is an easy change from your admin panel. If you need help pm me I can help you make this minor change in order to gain streaming status here again.
  13. I use this tool and it works very well. Any admin with just the server password can adjust temporarily the settings on the server without having the ftp password and it works for COD 4 and 5. http://www.cod-rcontool.com/
  14. TY sir. I sent him a pm. /O
  15. Hello my name is Geno and would like to know how to become a site sponsor here. I donated $20 yesterday to the cause and hope it helps to keep the servers up and going. I would like to get both of my sites added if possible. Thanks for your help and ttyl :)
  16. Yes sir it is about Bodies. While digging around on this site I also found a ban on him for an aimbot in 08 before he became =XE=. Thank you guys for helping me understand this. I will do more thorough back ground checks on my people before giving them tags. He has 3 guid's and 2 of them are banned. lol Thanks again and sorry for being a lil pushy, was just trying to give this kid a chance. Looks like that backfired on him.
  17. Right I understand that you dont type things like that in. My question is, why if you do not have a cheat on your computer would this be a permanent ban? I understand you have to be dumb for typing in anything like that, guess stupidity is a banable offense. Still confused to the other admins stating you had to have something downloaded for it to consider you to be cheating by using that bind command. Thanks How about the ban and lift on the admin for the same reason? Any ideas why he commited the same offense and then was exonerated?
  18. rgr sorry, just thought that this was getting pushed under the carpet.
  19. I guess this ban of an admin is not worthy of talk or question???? I asked a legit question about a bind and ban and am getting nothing from you guys?? If I type in that bind and have no cheats on my computer will I be banned? I am a founder of an anti cheat community and have never cheated. If I do this bind and get banned and it is not released....then I call BS.
  20. I see by his signature that it is [RUF]IceMan and the PB admin Ice Man are the same. Curious to how you got banned last night for the same key bind that my player did. You were removed within minutes and he is still banned. My question is this, If I do not have any cheats on my computer and type this command in "/bind f12 _toggle_hack" I should not get banned for it correct? If so then are PB admins allowed to have cheats on their computers? Not trying to stir any s**t just want to get to the bottom of a good player and friend getting banned over a simple bind. yes he is stupid for even trying it but if he is not cheating then he should not be banned for the bind, if an admin get unbanned for the same offense.
  21. Just wondering if this ss is of the IceMan that was helping explain this situation to me and if it is how did he get off the ban list for doing the same bind as Bodies did? http://www.xtremeeagles.net/modules/XESigH..._admin_lift.jpg
  22. Just a thought, if I typed this in command "KEY_F12 = _toggle_hack" I would not get banned as long as I did not download something? I will not try because of the ramifications, but would like to know.
  23. Thanks sir. man it pisses me off when people do stupid $h(t and think they are going to get away with it. Hes done and will be posted in the hall of shame for lying to me. Thanks again sir. /O <----- equals salute.
  24. I have a member that was put on the ban list today. He says he saw someone trying to toggle something and he tried it to see what it did. My question is, is this a part of the game or do you have to download something to make this a banable offense. This is what he was banned for: [From #7 093f(VALID) =XE=Bodies] [KEY_F12 = _toggle_hack][1 key binding match found] Thanks for any information on this. He will be removed from my team regardless of the response here. Just want to know if this is a part of the game or something you have to download. Thanks for any help on this matter.
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