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Everything posted by book

  1. Thank you Sir!
  2. Howdy allz, I'm back within this community. I was playing a VAC game (COD BlackOps) for a long time with our clan >XI<XtremeIdiots. I'm gearing up to be a game admin in BF3 and I hope PBBANS will be available and that we'll be able to stream PBBans on our joint! Keep up the good work PBBANS crew!!!!!!
  3. Hi! We, The =Rotten Bastards=, just switched out COD5 server (From Gameservers.com) to BF Bad Company2 server. I changed my server info in my account and followed the instruction to get the server streaming. It's pretty easy with BFBC2 Guardian. That being said, will my server start streaming on it's own, or I'll have to wait for approval? Also, because my GUID in BC2 will be different than in COD5, do I have to change it? I really feel PBBans is needed in BC2, many cheapers.
  4. Thanks a lot, everything is taken care of and the server is streaming! I appreciate what PBBans offers to the community! Thanks!
  5. Wow! Quick reply! And the Webtool setup is something really nice and fast! I ran it and it's mentioned that our server should be ready for action now!!! On another note, our team (5532) as different clan tag and slightly modified clan name. I tried to find the way to mod it, but couldn't. I can only change the link to our webpage? our tag is =RB= our clan name is : Rotten Bastards, not lucky bastards. Thanks so much and Happy holiday to you and everybody on the forum!!!!
  6. Hi PBBANS admins. We're streaming on our server for a long time. We just switched to COD5 yesterday (coming from COD4). The IP is the same I manually entered all the streaming setup thru console, so our server should be good to go now. I don't know if it's still considered a new subscription to you folks, but like I said, same IP, just different game! Thanks a lot and keep up the excellent work!
  7. has not set their status

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  8. I'm getting kicked of my own server, same for all my clan members...and I'm getting kicked from other servers also...
  9. I got the same error code AT THE SAME TIME as you did post this...Coincidence? 125116 "disallowed program/driver"
  10. Hi all! We (Lucky bastards clan) used to run a COD4 server and were streaming to PBBans. We now switched to COD World at WAR. We kept the same IP...but we lost the streaming! So I need help to get us back online!!! PLZ and thank you!
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