OK I just ran in to the same problem
I have 2 PC's and 2 copies of 2142
PC #1 XP , 7950 Nvidia 512mb card 4 gig of ram
PC # 2 Vista Home PR 8800 640mb Nvidia card 4gb ram
I Run the top 2142 NS server in the world
Monday I decided to start back up a 2142 Citymap server. Well I have both my PC's in the CityMap server. just siting there in idle
Well I loose power at the house for the next 26 hours , So the next day I boot up the 2 pc's and go to load in on the new server , As soon as my to guys load in to the server the screen freezes on the map.
I try to reboot and run the 1.5 patch again no luck , So I uninstall the 2142 from both pc's , and reinstall ( both of them are marked with what accounts and what PC they go on ) I get them all patched up and load into the server and the next thing I see is PB KICK , So I pull the pbsvlog fron the 2142 server and I get kick for 5 min for having the same GUID on both accounts .
I have gone thru and cleaned the XP box up , even got a new copy on 2142 , I lord it up and the same dam GUID pops up from the " assigned GUID from the PBSERVER"
So any ideas on how to fix this