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Everything posted by RD WRAYGUN

  1. Back in action. I guess their guys got out of jail. :lol: http://www.arma3.com/news/plans-for-arma3-in-2013
  2. The game really is amazing. Those guys really out did themselves and all for free. Ya look both ways before crossing and stay away from the vehicle pad at the crown and you'll be ok.
  3. Only 2 more days left. Worth checking out Planetside 2 Beta Keys F4C9KX4Z2CFTXCF26CKF AFCA34ZCRAN7TGNEDF7J NGE96XTFPZ6RAFC3HGK6 DJZGE9JA6MEXANG939DC XKGFZJHTM7XEH72ZTMTJ
  4. PC server browser.:P
  5. So... Not really years of unlocks. I plan on reaching 100 hours.... well.... within the first 5 days.:lol:
  6. LMAO! Anyone else notice the defib paddle sound at the end? Teaser looked like a BFBC2 rip!
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