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Posts posted by t.yag

  1. As of now i am no longer with LPGS.


    There are a few factors that have led to this choice and i would like to thank each and everyone that i have been able to help and get to know.

    I will not get into details here. for the ones that know my number feel free to call and shoot the bull.


    once again thank you all.

  2. I wouldn't say they are insanely good prices. There are better deals out in market. I noticed Quad Core server comes with just 2TB BW.


    My last month BW usage was, 2,098.799 GByte. If you host some old games like W:ET or Quake3 engine based or so, it will use more BW. But again that's just my personal opinion.


    Most of our machines run with the min bandwidth of 3TB, we don't sell any dedi server with 2TB


    We have never gone over our bandwidth nor has any customer.

  3. I don't believe that one provider for any game is a good thing, period.


    I agree with you 110%


    to limit a game to only one provider is just plain wrong and i hope that we never see it again.


    Dont get me wrong on my last post. I agree that having games files "locked down" is a bad idea from a gamers side, but on the same note I also see why it is at that point for Dev's to make games like this, to help protect the games themselves.


    It is just something that we as a community will have to get used to as from what has been the norm will likely contiune in the future.

  4. True but at least LPGS will have the ranked files soon for the BF series which is good; thinking of going back to BF2 and Project Reality for awhile.


    To answer the questions,

    There is no parent company for LowPingGameServers, the people who bought the company do own another GSP but both company is there own.


    Now as for the Ranked games.

    While agree it is bad for the end user there is however a plus side to it by not relasing the server file helps keep the game intact.Not sure how many here know of the small proble that has just pop up with SOF2 servers, since the game is open code there has deen a server side nightmare, where as the server gets attacked and the bandwidth goes thru the roof causing huge bandwith overages.

    Where as if the server files stay protected there is less of a chance of stuff like this happing.

    Starting Feb 15, 2011 we be hosting RANKED BF2 and BF2142 servers.

    We look forwad to being you gameserver provider.

    If you have any questions feel free to contacts us







  5. Just an update from our end. We decided to leave after our servers expired to move on to another host. The other host did not provide what was agreed to so I decided to give LPGS a chance to see what they could do for us with a dedicated server. Since some tickets from before and my complaints here; things from their end seem to have improved. Trevor and William have been very helpful and timely in their responses and we have reached a deal. Not happy that Andy had to move on but understand why he did. We will see how things work with new management but are pleased at this point with the resolution. I felt it only fair to post what efforts they have made to make things right and provide quality service. Hopefully it continues and so far they have turned around my original opinions. ;)


    Thanks for the kind words, If there is anything that i can do just let me know.

  6. Did another GSP buy lpgs?? if so who?? I think i need a new gsp..


    Yes, All thou LPGS was bought by another GSP, LPGS is still its own provider just new bosses.


    Everything is staying the same, from prices to support we will always be there to answer any questions you have/get what you need to make your time with us the best it can.

  7. Good luck =GoMg=THE__DRIFTER,


    Don't worry i am not taking anything personally...lol


    I know it is a bit rough right now, I am sorry to all that the support ticket times are getting a bit longer. I am working on getting that corrected as well.


    If anyone needs to you can always email me directly [email protected].


    unless i am sleeping i should be able to get a response back to you in a manner that you are more accustomed to .



    Again i would like to thank Andy for the work he has put in yet again, in helping getting the TS servers back online.

  8. They certainly have a few good screwups happening right now. I fixed the Atlanta TS3 issue for them this morning after a botched license change. Germany is still down and waiting on Teamspeak/Triton for a solution to that problem. Good reason why I always had backups and backups of backups. You should be rocking and rolling hopefully yet today though well likely tomorrow morning in your time zone.



    We have the German TS3 Servers back online, And on another note i will be doing my best to make sure that you all have a great time with LPGS

    • Upvote 2

    As of now, cease and decist on putting out those configs you're running, they're obviously not working!





    From what i have seen from the above posts is that the PGL Scripts are working just fine just like PBBans.


    if i go thru the server Registration here at pbbans and put in the streaming info everything is good but if i remove the PBBans streaming info i would be getting the same thing a PBUCON header mismatch as the PBBans repo would still be trying to connect to my server but the UCON profile would not be there to allow the connection

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