I have a Crysis Wars game server, the other day a hacker joined the game, used his hack, admitted to hacking, and then proceeded to display the name of the site where you can find the hack (I know, I took too much time before kicking him).
Obviously, I have banned the guid of this player on my server, but how do I go about getting him banned on all pb servers? It's unfortunate that I have no screenshot of his hack, b/c the hack included a ss blocker.
Also, I would post his guid here, but I don't want to break any forum rules; which doesn't make sense to me. I mean, if he admits to using hacks, why can we not do all that we can to ban him and his hacker friends?
Basically, my question is this: what steps are involved in banning a known hacker's guid if it is not currently listed in the ban list?