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Gutshot last won the day on September 10 2010

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About Gutshot

  • Birthday 07/24/1968

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    Need To Die
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    Battlefield 4
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  1. Hahahaha! You made my day Maester! I love it when EA gets fun poked at them. This could backfire though. EA could read this and say "fkna, not a bad idea at all"
  2. Sucks. Bioshock is one of my all time favorite series of games. Hard to imagine anybody else capturing the sheer weirdness that this game delivers. It is pure genius. R.I.P Bioshock, we hardly knew ye.
  3. I hope this wasn't posted here already, but check out this video.
  4. BF4. And......Elder Scrolls Online......

  5. God help me, I actually like this game.
  6. A thanks from me and my clan for all of you at PBBans. I would not even consider renting a server for a game that did not have PB and the ability to stream to the genius that is PBBans. You all rock! P.S Sorry to read about the loss of your friend and comrade, IndianScout. May he rest in peace.
  7. "Sigh" Such an excellent game, yet 99% of my clan are still saying "CAN'T WAIT FOR BATTLEFIELD FREAKING 4!" Such swill. I think I need a new clan. Or just go lone wolf from here on out.
  8. Well, I'll probably see you on one of the servers then. I hope this game does well. Or at least develops a cult following with loyal fans. Would be nice to have a game that lasts for awhile. With almost 1500 hours on Skyrim, it will be nice to get into a proper fps again.
  9. Yeah, I am going to love this thing, with or without my clan.
  10. This is an awesome game! Much improved from vanilla RO2. Battles are very intense. Maps are beautiful. Historic accuracy is excellent. Weapons are on the nuts with sound and recoil. Hell, the 1911 pops up just like my real life Colt Commander. I will now officially tell EA to piss off.
  11. Sigh. No PB, no sale. Was hoping for it, but, they are still stuck on making their own, which probably will fail miserably at protecting anything, instead of a tried and well proven one. Ah well, BF3 for awhile longer.
  12. I miss both the 70's and 80's. Especially the 80's. What I remember of it anyway. Many a brain cell perished in that war.
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