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Everything posted by sPiDeRz

  1. Sorry to bring up an old topic but i had to. Map is pretty good, although there is a glitch where u can get onto the second floor without buying the rock. Makes it easy to get the zombie and not to mention the magic box is upstairs aswell.
  2. LOL! +1
  3. I want proof that there's actually going to be a BF3 before i believe it. So far nothing has happened or been confirmed.
  4. Im sure i posted asking for a link lol.
  5. http://battlefield.totalgamingnetwork.com/...terview_vandyke Thats all BF3 ever was, a Rumor. Sad but true. BF:BC Aint ever coming to PC apparently which is disappointing.
  6. Everyone keeps goin about a BF3. I personally don't think it will happen any time soon. Yes the people at EA/DICE did say they weren't forgetting us PC user's but they never did confirm or acknowledge the existence of a third game. TBH i don't even know where/when they would set a third game. They've done WW2, They've done modern combat (BF2), They did the future and that turned out to be a flop.... The only thing we BF players have to look forward to atm is this patch, hopefully it will revitalize BF2 gaming a bit.
  7. I'm waiting for the owner of the server to add me to the account. His at work at the moment.
  8. Sweet as, cheers!
  9. I need to restart a server due to config changes, will i need to go through all the PB commands again to get the server streaming or will it continue to stream after the restart?
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