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About =7i=R3APeR

  • Birthday 10/17/1974

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    =7i= Gaming
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    Call of Duty 4
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  1. I just got kicked with the same error message, but i dont have Daemon Tools installed...anything else this can be?
  2. This may sound insane, but is there NO way of streaming whatever VAC uses to check file integrity to PBBans in a similar fashion like PB does? It seems like the bigger Steam gets, the more games may be using VAC instead of PB. I think EvenBalance needs to get off their asses a bit more as it seems like they are dying off slowly as the PC gaming market evolves.
  3. Unbelievable......this marks the 1st time they have CHARGED for DLC for any COD game for the PC. Talk about knifing the people that made you in the back.
  4. Meaning it does not close the console for me after issuing the command...i have to manually close it.
  5. I actually have F12 bound in game to take screenshots. Let me try and change that and ill let you know. EDIT: Ok, unbinding F12 fixed it....but now when i press F12 i get the players list, but it also opens the game console, i understand now that F12 gives a PB command to get the players ist...but maybe you should set this up to toggle the command instead of just opening the console and giving it.And where is this help file you speak of, i downloaded only an executable file from your site...there was no help file.
  6. Latest version. Win 7 x64 Ultimate Dual monitors (yes you need to alt+tab unless you have 2 computers) COD4 Have started before and after game console is ~ not F12
  7. BC2??? That game is possibly the WORST Online FPS ive ever played...that game needed at least another year before it was ready for release IMO.
  8. This program is very buggy...only works about 1/3rd of the times i actually try and use it.
  9. Honestly, dont game Devs care about fighting cheating?! The service that PBBans and other anti-cheat sites provide is invaluable, they have to know that PB by itself does almost NOTHING to stop hackers. Ill never understand why Devs dont ever give us everything we want and need when developing a game. If i cannot stream my server to PBBans, i seriously dont think my Clan will be getting a BC2 server. This is ridiculous.
  10. Really glad to see you guys not back down. Lets continue the fight!
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