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    The Clanless
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    Battlefield 2
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  1. BF2CC has always been buggy, but I haven't experienced any new issues since 1.5 came out.
  2. learjet45dream


    PBBans does not accept demos from the Battlefield series as evidence of cheats. They do not record in first person either. Also, the server must be streaming to PBBans at the time to do anything. So sorry, but I don't think PBBans can or will do anything about this.
  3. Update punkbuster :)
  4. Well I know that a black sky is common graphical issue and isnt bannable alone, but the ground is black too. So I'm not really sure, I think it might be a hack, but I could easily be wrong.
  5. plus 1.5 will add widescreen support IIRC
  6. People who are not SGAs cannot view the info for clean players. I searched the name DaGraveFilla. It does come up with one clean GUID on that same, and there is one linked GUID that is banned on the PBBans MBI, but it seems as though it wasn't actually that person who was hacking. Someone will only show up on the MPi if they have played on a server that streams to PBBans, which not all servers do. Or, they might have a ban on another site and that might make them show up. Correct me if im wrong.
  7. I doubt it. People will always be finding new ways to hack and the such.
  8. Wo, you are the same SgtMic over on the SMF site. Cool.

  9. Well, I was playing on my favorite BF2 server (besides mine of course :P which I am trying to start streaming to PBBans) and I saw people in a clan with a tag that was something like -GoĐ-. I can't imagine that the Đ character is allowed at all in Bf2. I know that name violations are bannable on the server, and I want to clarify. Thanks, Learjet
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