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Everything posted by dogboy64

  1. DUDE u r awsome. Thats what I need to hear. Thank you!!!!!
  2. Ok, I understand that. What has apparently happened is that a search was made using my IP and or my user name and they got a hit. In the search is given a GUID # of the player involved. I was shown a screen shot of the master list. I used the GUID to do a search and found this player. He is accused of a multi hack in cod4. I have this game and have played but not to much. The server is a bf2 server that i was baned from. I play bf2 lots 700+ hrs. What I dont want is to loose my profile or be banned from other servers. Would a link to the server fourms that I have been using be ok to put here for u to check? You would be able to see what I was, and they were seeing and saying. My player name is dogboy64 and another profile is SNIPEG4. My sons. He is not a pc kid and only plays bf2 W/ my direct supervision. Thank you sooo much.
  3. Got it. New to this type of stuff. Can you giv insight to that Q:
  4. Why??? I am coming here for help. Is, was that a bad question to ask???
  5. Ok. Hey will you please ck the other post. IP vrs GUID please. Trying to get much needed help. Thank you.
  6. Now, Can a IP directly relate to a player or dose it need to be a GUID. Got banned from one server due to a IP relationship. Checked the guid of the highlited player and its not me. I want to be able to clear up this issue w/ the servers admin. Dont like to be called a cheat. It dont sit well w/ me. Put a ticket W/ even balance they had no issues w/ me. What to do????
  7. thanks.
  8. What is a external ban? Is an IP address spefic to the player or should it not be trusted.
  9. what console. Not to sound too stupid
  10. How do i get my GUID so i can appeal a ban??????
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